Par value reduction |
Share amount reduction |
Promote capital-usage efficiency, which improves financial ratios (e.g., ROE, ROA, total asset turnover) and increases the company's attractiveness to investors |
Support future dividend payments if the company has accumulated loss. Capital reduction will make up for a shortfall in retained earnings, allowing the company to pay dividends without having to wait for current operating results |
Support capital increases by new investors |
Have opportunities to earn a higher return on investment if it is a capital reduction for capital restructuring |
Have opportunities to receive dividends sooner if it is a capital reduction to offset a deficit in retained earnings |
Type pf capital reduction |
Objectives |
Information disclosure |
Par value reduction | Share amount reduction |
- Par value before and after capital reduction - Total amount of reduced capital - Objectives of capital reduction | - Shareholders whose capital will be reduced (In case certain shareholders are affected, details of those shareholders should be specified) - Amount of shares reduced - Objectives of capital reduction - The record date for the shareholders whose shares are to reduced - Ratio of capital reduction (Existing share: Share after reduction)* |
Additional information is required if it is the case of capital reduction to return capital to shareholders - Amount of fund to be returned to the shareholders - The record date for the shareholders whose shares are to reduced and eligible for refund - Date for the refund payment |
* The procedure must be specified in details when the capital reduction ratio leads to odd lots, for example “...when the calculation for each shareholder’s capital reduction is completed and the shareholder has remaining odd lots in digits, it must either be rounded up or down proportionately i.e. more than 0.5 shares will be rounded up to one, while lower than 0.5 shares will be cut off. After the whole calculation process is complete and there are ……. shares in excess or in need, the executive directors’ shareholding will be considered to add or reduce further.”
Announcement of the shareholders’ resolution |
Result of the creditor opposition |
Registering the capital reduction |
Additional process when capital is reduced by decreasing number of shares |