21 Mar 2025 11:02:42
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Last Update 21 Mar 2025 11:02:42
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Equity Instruments

Listing of Infrastructure Trust

Infrastructure Trust

An Infrastructure Trust is a fund mobilizing tool for investments in infrastructure projects that benefit the public on a large scale both in Thailand and abroad, such as rail or pipeline transportation systems, electricity, water supply, roads, expressways or concession routes, airports or airfields, deep-sea ports, telecommunication or infrastructure in information technology and communication, alternative energy, water management or irrigation system, natural disaster prevention system, waste management, and interconnected infrastructure businesses that support one another for the benefit of the same or nearby communities.

An Infrastructure Trust is one of the funding options for the public and private sectors in addition to listing a company on the stock exchange or seeking loans from financial institutions. Companies can raise funds through their infrastructure projects to keep developing the projects on proper budgets and by using the assets in the infrastructure projects and the ability to generate profits as fund-raising tools. The trust can use the raised funds to invest in both completed and revenue-generating projects (Brownfield Project) and incomplete projects (Greenfield Project).

Key rules for Infrastructure Trust

Type A trust for investment in infrastructure
  • Paid-up capital of ≥ THB 10,000 million after the offering
  • In case of investing in several projects, the infrastructure asset value for each project is ≥ THB 3,000 million
Investment The trust must invest in infrastructure projects for ≥ 75% of the total asset value 
Types of investments There are two types of investments;
  • Direct investment by investing in ownership, possessory right, leasehold, concession, right to future revenues, right under future revenue sharing contracts, claims under sale, purchase, and installation of machinery and equipment agreement, construction agreement, or sale and purchase agreement
  • Indirect investment by holding shares at a minimum of the supermajority proportion required by the country in which the company is established provided that the shareholding must be ≥ 40% of voting rights in the company investing in infrastructure worth ≥ 75% of net asset value, or generate revenues from total infrastructure assets of ≥ 75% of total revenues
Investment in Greenfield Project
  • In case of investing in Greenfield Project > 30% of infrastructure asset value , the sale offer shall be made only to high-net-worth investors (1)
  • In case of investing in Greenfield Project ≤ 30% of infrastructure asset value , the trust can offer to sell units to high net-worth investors (1) or general investors
Offer and allocation 
  • In the case of offering investment units to high net-worth investors*, there must be ≥ 2 unitholders
  • In the case of offering investment units to general investors:
    • Offer must be made through an underwriter
    • There must be ≥ 250 unitholders
    • Must be listed on the SET with retail unitholders holding  ≤ 20% of the total number of units in each tranche listed on the SET, and must maintain a minority shareholder proportion at ≥ 15% after listing
Debt Financing 
  • No restrictions if offered to high net-worth investors (1) 
  • Not more than three times of the equity if offered to general investors
Manager Trust Manager who has the required qualifications 
Restrictions for unit holdings of any person or a common person group< 50% of the total trust units of each tranche (if any)
Dividend payment > 90% of adjusted net profit
Financial statement Must be prepared in accordance with Thailand accounting standards and audited by SEC approved auditors 
Asset valuation
  • No asset valuation is required if units are offered to high net-worth investors (1)
  • If offered to general investors, the appraisers must have experience or expertise in the valuation of infrastructure assets, and asset valuation is required every three years 

(1) A high net worth investor refers to someone who makes an initial unit purchase of at least THB10 million or whose total unit value, including additionally acquired and existing units, is ≥ THB10 million.

Infrastructure Trust vs Infrastructure Fund 
 Infrastructure TrustInfrastructure Fund
Structure  TrustMutual Fund
Investment Infrastructure that benefits the public on a large scale in Thailand or abroad 
Infrastructure that benefits the public on a large scale in Thailand 
Project valuation ≥ THB 10,000 million ≥ THB 2,000 million
Tax privileges No tax privilege Tax privileges (up to 10 years dividend tax exemption for individuals)
Infrastructure Trust Listing on the Stock Exchange of Thailand
A type of fundraising as infrastructure trust for general investors needs to get permission from the SEC and get the trust units listed on SET.
A type of fundraising as infrastructure trust for general investors needs to get permission from the SEC and get the trust units listed on SET.
Unit trust refers to the trust certificate that bears entitlement of the holder in receiving benefits from trust as specified by SEC rules.
  • Be fully paid
  • Holding bearer’s name
  • No restrictions on transferring the trust units, except for the legal restrictions. Such restrictions must be stated in the trust deed.
  • An infra trust refers to the trust that invests in infrastructure projects as prescribed in SEC announcement. Assets of the infrastructure project include:
    • Rail or pipeline transportation
    • Electricity, waterworks
    • Roads, special path, or commissioned path
    • Airports
    • Deep water port
    • Telecommunication or ICT Infrastructure
    • Alternative energy
    • Water management or irrigation systems
    • Natural disaster protection systems including the warning system and disaster mitigation system
    • Waste management system
    • Multi-infrastructure business comprising of complementary facilities, which are:
      • Connected, or promoting mutual benefits, or beneficial to the community or its neighborhood; and
      • Generating or having income contribution for no less than 80% of the composite revenue
  • To list on SET, an infra trust must have the following qualifications:
    • Approved by SEC
    • Having the SEC-approved trust manager and SEC-licensed trustee
    • Having retail trust holders for no less than 20% of each listed tranche
Appointing Thailand Securities Depository Co., Ltd. (TSD) or other SET-approved persons to act as securities registrar
  • The trust founder (person who is going to be the trust manager when a trust is founded) submits listing request
  • Requesting listing for all issued trust units
  • Submitting the request and required documents, plus paying fee, to SET
The SET will consider listing request within seven days upon receiving complete and correct documents
Process of Listing Consideration for an Infrastructure Trust
Remarks : Person submitting the request can be a trust founder, who is going to be the trust manager, or the trust manager specified in the trust deed as authorized person for submitting the listing request.
The trust deed and filing form must contain the following messages stating that the trust units are:
    1. Fully paid

    2. Bearer’s name
    3. Have no restriction in transferring the trust units, exception for the legal restrictions
Related Regulations
  • Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board Tor jor. 12/2558 : Offering of Units of Infrastructure Trusts
  • Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission Kor. Ror. 6/2558
  • Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission Sor. Chor. 26/2558
  • Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission Sor. Jor. 27/2558
  • Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission Sor Nor. 35/2554 : Prospectus for Infrastructure Fund
  • Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission Sor Ror. 25/2558: Entries and Contents of the Trust Instrument of Infrastructure Trusts
  • Listing Applications and required documents Infrastructure Trust Listing on the Stock Exchange of Thailand   

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