
Financial conditions or operational performance not meeting requirements

In the case that the listed company has operations or financial status that may be subject to delisting. Before November 1, 2021, The SET will announce that it may be delisted in stage 1 with a sign Non-compliance (NC) in 3 stages. Each term has a period of 1 year: NC stage 1, NC stage 2, and NC stage 3. The revised guidelines are summarized in accordance with the information underlined and part of the previousl criteria according to the information that is ticked out as follows.

Ground for DelistingConditions and period for improving the qualifications of listed companies
 Stage 1
Period for the elimination
of the grounds for delisting
Stage 2
Period for the repossession of
qualifications in order to resume trading

Financial position

  1. Equity < 0
  2. Cessation of operation
  3. The auditor issues a disclaimer opinion for 3 consecutive years
  4. Annual operating income < specified amount for 3 consecutive years, SET < 100 million baht, mai < 50 million baht for 3 consecutive years

Resolve the grounds for possible delisting within 3 years (may request an extension of 1 year) For example, in the case of Equity < 0, actions have been taken so that Equity is not less than 0, etc. pursuant to each of the grounds for delisting announced as follows:

  1. Equity > 0
  2. Having business operation
  3. Auditor's report of the annual financial statements or the annual consolidated financial statements does not contain a disclaimer of opinion or an adverse opinion
  4. Operating income in the cumulative period or latest year ≥ specified amount SET ≥ 100 million baht mai ≥ 50 million baht.

During the Company is in stage 1 the SET will announce the list of listed companies in 3 periods of 1 year each, namely NC stage 1, NC stage 2 and NC stage 3.

(*Considered from annual financial statements or annual consolidated financial statements audited by auditors)

Qualifications are as follows within 2 years (may request an extension of 1 year)

  • Equity: SET ≥ 800 / mai ≥ 100 MB
  • Profit from the main business for the period of 1 year or 4 quarters: SET ≥ 75 million Baht / mai ≥ 25 million Baht and there is accumulated net profit prior to the submission of request
  • Financial position and operating performance are stable considering consisting of Cash flow from operating income and retained loss,
  • Qualifications for maintaining the status of listed company
  • Free float ≥ 15%, 150
  • Debt restructuring > 75%
  • If the business is rehabilitated according to bankruptcy law. The company had to leave the reconstruction through the courts

Qualifications for requesting an extension of time It must have all of the following :

  • Equity ≥ 100 million Baht or net profit from the main business for 1 year or 4 quarters ≥ 25 million baht.
  • Has a core business that will continue to operate the business.
  • There are clearly plan for resolving the delisting reasons and there is progress in action.

There are directors, executives, and controlling persons who do not have any prohibited characteristics under the SEC criteria and complete information disclosure.

*Consider the annual budget or the latest 4 quarter budget that has been audited or reviewed by an auditor. (depending on the case)

Consideration criteria for the grounds of delisting

Operation performance or financial conditions of the listed company falls within any of these following cases:

  • The operation is halted entirely or almost entirely;
  • The auditor issues a disclaimer opinion on the financial statements of the listed company for 3 consecutive years;
  • The latest audited financial statements show that the shareholders’ equity is lower than zero.
  • Operating income in the annual budget audited by SET auditor < 100 million baht, mai < 50 million baht for 3 consecutive years.

Consideration criteria in the event that the shareholders’ equity is lower than zero:

  1. The shareholders’ equity that appears on the financial statements is negative.
  2. The shareholders’ equity that appears on the financial statements is positive, but the auditor has issued a qualified opinion, or a disclaimer, or an adverse opinion on the financial statements. If the financial statements are to be adjusted in accordance with the auditor’s opinion, the shareholders’ equity will be reduced to negative.
  3. The Stock Exchange will not announce grounds for delisting. If the listed company can make a change to make the shareholder's equity value greater than zero. The budget must be submitted for review or audit. which has information ending on the date the incident was resolved or a report showing that the incident was resolved along with the annual budget
Procedures for action upon the possible delisting of ordinary shares of the listed company

To warn investors to be cautious in their investment, SET will consider information from financial statements that have been audited or reviewed by auditors and proceed as follows;

  1. its operation : the shareholders’ equity
    • The Stock Exchange will post a CB (Business) sign. Investors must purchase such securities with a Cash Balance account only.
    • When the latest statement of shareholders' equity is less than 50% of the paid-up capital. (Details appear in the matter of posting the CB mark)
    • Annual net loss for 3 consecutive years until shareholders' equity is less than 100% of paid-up capital.
  2. Financial status: In the case of income from operations
    • The Stock Exchange will post the CB (Business) sign. Investors must purchase such securities with a Cash Balance account only when operating income Cumulative or annual installments less than 100 million baht (SET) or less than 50 million baht (mai)(details appear in the posting of the CB sign)
  3. Financial statements : In the case the auditor does not express an opinion on the financial statements
    • The Stock Exchange will post the CS (Financial Statements) sign. Investors must purchase such securities with a Cash Balance account only in the event that the auditor does not express an opinion on the latest statement. (Details appear in the CS sign posting)
    • The Stock Exchange will post the SP sign for 1 day to give users of information in the financial statements time to consider the auditor's opinion. together with the numbers in the financial statements carefully Including acknowledging the company's clarification first and taking measures against listed companies in accordance with the regulations of the Stock Exchange regarding measures to take in cases where listed companies have events that may affect their financial position and business operations.
Posting a sign when the company may be possible delisting

To encourage the listed company to have a clear plan and urgently process a rehabilitation, SET shall take the following actions:

  • Post SP (Suspension) sign on the listed company’s securities to suspend trading from the day of the announcement that its operational performance or financial condition falls within possible delisting criteria, such as when the listed company’s audited financial statement shows that the shareholders’ equity is lower than zero.
  • Announce that the securities of the listed company may potentially be delisted (NC Stage 1) and post NC (Non-compliance) sign within 7 business days from the day there is a ground for potentially delisting, then prohibiting the trading of securities for another 1 month.
  • When SP sign has been posted for 1 month and the listed company has informed of its rehabilitation plan, the SET will allow trading of its securities for 1 month with NC sign posted and can be purchased with Cash Balance account only. After that, SP sign will be posted until the company can make progress in rehabilitation, eliminate the ground for delisting, and repossess the qualifications to resume trading.
  • Order the listed company to report or disclose on the progress of rehabilitation every 3 months, or on the date the quarterly financial statement is due for submission.

If the company is qualified to resume trading within the specified period, the company can submit a written notice to the SET to consider removing NC and SP signs in order to resume trading.

Rehabilitation period  is divided into two parts as the following:

1) Period for the elimination of the grounds for delisting
There is a period of 3 years from the date of an announcement that the listed company is potentially subject to delisting.

  • If the listed company is able to eliminate the grounds for delisting within 3 years from the date of the announcement that its securities may be delisted due to grounds such as
    • There is a business
    • The auditor's report is not of the type to express an opinion. (Considered from the annual financial statements that have been audited by the auditor)
    • Equity is greater than zero (Considered from the annual financial statements that have been audited by the auditor)
    • Operating income in the cumulative period or latest year that has been audited or reviewed by SET auditors is not less than 100 million baht, mai not less than 50 million baht.
    The listed company shall submit a written notice to the SET to inform that it has eliminated the ground for delisting. Then, the SET will announce that the listed company have entered the period of repossession of qualifications in order to resume trading (Stage 2).
  • If the listed company is unable to eliminate the grounds for delisting within 3 years from the date of the announcement that its securities may potentially be delisted, the SET shall consider an order for delisting, and the trading will be allowed for 7 business days before delisting with NC sign posted and can be purchased with Cash Balance account only.

2) Period for the repossession of qualifications in order to resume trading  (Stage 2) is within 2 years from the date that the SET announced the securities move to stage 2 .
There is a period of 2 years from the date of SET’s announcement that the company has moved to Stage 2.

  • If the listed company is able to repossess the qualifications in order to resume trading within 2 years, the listed company can submit request with SET to have NC and SP signs removed, and to allow its securities to be traded as normal.
  • If the listed company is unable to repossess the qualifications in order to resume trading within 2 years, the SET shall consider an order for delisting, and the trading will be allowed for 7 business days before delisting with NC sign posted and can be purchased with Cash Balance account only.
Rehabilitation period extension

The listed company can request for rehabilitation period extension for Stage 1 - Period for the elimination of the grounds for delisting; and Stage 2 - once for each period and such extension shall not exceed 1 year. The request shall be submitted 7 business days in advance before the end of NC period, with explanations and supporting information to show that the listed company possess all qualifications as follows.

  1. There is shareholder equity. (after adjusting the auditor's opinion) or having net profit from operations from the main business for 1 year. It will consider the annual financial statements or the most recent 4 quarter financial statements that have been audited or reviewed. (as the case may be) as specified in the securities acceptance criteria, effective January 1, 2025. As required to have shareholder equity of not less than 100 million baht or net profit of not less than 25 million baht.
  2. Apparently, there is a main business to be operated on a continuous basis taking into account factors such as commercial revenue, assets used in the operation of the main business, licenses/concessions required to operate such business, etc.;
  3. There is a procedure to eliminate the grounds for delisting, clear progress, such as rehabilitation plan approved by the bankruptcy court or a debt restructuring agreement and implementation plan, and adherence to such plan or agreement; and
  4. Other qualifications i.e. management and controlling parties do not possess the prohibited characteristics pursuant to the notifications of the SEC, and compliance with SET’s disclosure rules i.e. submitting all financial statements within the specified period.
Consideration on the repossession of qualifications in order to resume trading

The listed company shall possess all qualifications. and must continue to exist until the date the Stock Exchange allows listed securities of listed companies to resume trading on the Stock Exchange as follows

  1. Shareholders’ equity (after the adjustment of the auditor’s opinion):
    • Trading on mai : At least 100 million Baht
    • Trading on SET : At least 800 million Baht
  2. There is a net profit from the normal operation of the main business, which shall continue to be operated in the future on a continuous basis, under the continuous majority management of the same group for at least 1 year prior to the submission of the request. The SET shall consider the annual financial statement or the financial statement of the 4 quarters audited by the auditor and and consider the net profit in the accumulated period from the audited or reviewed financial statements. (depending on the case) and must continue to exist until the date the Stock Exchange allows listed securities of listed companies to resume trading on the Stock Exchange.:
    • Trading on mai: Net profit is not less than 25 million Baht, and there is net profit in the accumulated period prior to the submission of request.
    • Trading on SET: Net profit is not less than 75 million Baht, and there is net profit in the accumulated period prior to the submission of request.
  3. Debt restructuring has been conducted for more than 75% of all the listed company’s debts. The listed company can repay the debts to the creditor within the time period prescribed. The debt restructuring plan shall take into account the rights and privileges of minority shareholders i.e. the equity of existing shareholders shall not be reduced to less than 10% of the paid-up capital after the undertakings.
  4. Financial position and operating results are stable pursuant to the conditions of its business on a continuous basis, taking into account cash flow and accumulated loss of the business.
  5. Possess all the qualifications pursuant to the criteria for maintaining listing status before submitting the request, and the distribution of minority shareholdings shall not be less than 15% and at least 150 minority shareholders.
  6. The listed company undertaking the habilitation pursuant to the law on bankruptcy shall no longer be under the rehabilitation as approved by the court. The company must meet the specified criteria continuously.

The SET may also prescribe conditions for the listed company to take additional actions as follows:

  • That the listed company signs the new listing agreement; or
  • That the listed company takes any action or discloses additional information in order to eliminate conflict of interest between the listed company and its majority shareholder or management.
Silent Period in case the Company is Qualified Resume Trading

The listed company’s strategic shareholders are prohibited to sell their shares amounting to 55% of the paid-up capital:

  • General request to eliminate the delisting ground: One-year silent period from the date of the commencement of trading.
  • In case the listed company has its financial position and operating results improved with the involvement of a new partner or supports in terms of new business, regarded as the Backdoor Listing:
    • One-year silent period if the new joint venture partner possesses all the qualifications pursuant to the SET’s or mai’s listed regulations, on the date of the submission of request to eliminate the delisting ground.
    • Two-year silent period if the request to eliminate the delisting ground is submitted within one year, from the date of the joint venture or the acquisition of new business or assets. The SET shall consider the listed company’s qualifications pursuant to the general criteria for trading resumption.

Every six months after the date of trading commencement, the shareholders under the silent period can sell 25% of all the securities prohibited from being traded.

Actions for listed companies to resume trading
  1. Submit an application to the Stock Exchange no less than 7 business days before the due date of the processing period in Phase 2.
  2. Have a financial advisor co-create the request. The Stock Exchange may send the request along with various information. to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for consideration as well. The listed company must submit information for consideration as additionally requested by the Stock Exchange and/or the SEC Office.
Announcement of Trading Resumption

The SET shall disseminate information about the resumption of trading 7 business days in advance before the listed company’s securities commence trading. In this regard, listed companies must organize meetings to present and explain information about the business and operating results of the listed company to shareholders, investors, and related persons. According to the guidelines set by the Stock Exchange, at least 1 time within 1 year from the date of the announcement that common shares of listed companies will resume trading on the Stock Exchange.


If the company is unable to resolve all the grounds for delisting or does not have the qualifications to return to trading within the specified time. SET will consider delisting which will be open for trading 7 business days before the delisting and still post the NC sign and trading with a Cash Balance account.

Group 16724 For the company which is subject to possible delisting since November 1, 2021
Financial conditions or operational performance not meeting requirements

Note : *For details on how to post and remove the C sign, please see the section “C Sign Posting”

Procedure and Guideline for Actions against Listed Companies
(For the company which is subject to possible delisting since November 1, 2021)
Group 16724  For the company which is subject to possible delisting before November 1, 2021
In case the shareholders’ equity is negative / The auditor issues a disclaimer opinion on the financial statements of the listed company for 3 consecutive years:
In case the listed company stops business operation /Assets
used in the operation has significantly decreased: 

When the SET announces the listed company is under NC stage 1, the listed company will have 1 month to consider its choice to undertake rehabilitation. After the company has informed the SET of the rehabilitation plan, its securities will be allowed to trade for 1 month by purchasing with Cash Balance account only (with NC sign posted). After that, SP sign will be posted until the company can make improvement and repossess qualifications to resume trading. The listed company will be required to report about the progress of rehabilitation every 3 months or on the date the quarterly financial statement is due for submission.

Procedure and Guideline for Actions against Listed Companies 
(For the company which is subject to possible delisting before November 1, 2021)

Related Regulations
  • Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board TorJor. 44/2556: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Disclosure regarding Financial and Non-financial Information of Securities Issuers

Only the shareholders’ equity of the listed company will be considered, not including the non-controlling interests’ equity in the subsidiary.

The shareholders’ equity in the consolidated financial statements will be considered. If it shows a negative equity, the company may face possible delisting.

This will not be the case where the auditor issues a disclaimer opinion on the financial statements for 3 consecutive years.

However, if the SEC orders the listed company to amend its financial statements afterwards and the auditor switches from issuing a qualified opinion to a disclaimer opinion, then it will be the case where the auditor issues a disclaimer opinion on the financial statements for 3 consecutive years, resulting in possible delisting.

In case the listed company’s operating performance or financial positions fall within the criteria of possible delisting (not including the case where the auditor issues a disclaimer opinion on the financial statements for 3 consecutive years), the listed company can choose to proceed with either of the following:
  • Submit the financial report for the first six months of an accounting year (reviewed version by the auditor is not required), along with the Interim Management Discussion and Analysis, instead of the quarterly financial statements. These shall be submitted within 45 days from the last day of the first 6-month period of that accounting year; or
  • Submit the audited annual financial statements within 3 months from the last day of that accounting period.

When the listed company does not submit quarterly financial statements, the company still has to report the progress of rehabilitation every 3 months.

When the listed company submits a request to resume trading during the period of quarterly financial statements submission, the company has to submit financial statements for that quarter as well. For example, if the company’s accounting period ends on 31 December and the request is submitted in September, the company will have to submit the 6-month financial report which shows net profit from operation.

In case the listed company’s performance or financial conditions fall within any criteria for possible delisting (negative equity / the auditor issues a disclaimer opinion on the financial statement for 3 consecutive years / assets used in operation have significantly lessened / the business ceases all or most of its operations/ Operating income in the cumulative period or latest year SET > 100 million baht mai > 50 million baht), the consideration for repossession of qualifications to resume trading will not be different.

In case the listed company’s performance or financial conditions fall within any criteria for possible delisting (negative equity / the auditor issues a disclaimer opinion on the financial statement for 3 consecutive years / assets used in operation have significantly decreased / business operation is halted entirely or almost entirely), the consideration criteria for resume trading will not be different.

1. The shareholders’ equity that appears on the financial statements is negative; or
 2. The shareholders’ equity that appears on the financial statements is positive, but the auditor has issued a qualified opinion, or a disclaimer opinion on the financial statements. If the financial statements are to be adjusted in accordance with the auditor’s opinion, the shareholders’ equity will be reduced to negative.