When the listed company and/or its subsidiary has disposed all or most of the assets used in the ordinary course of its business, thereby causing the listed company and/or its subsidiary to have all or most of assets in form of cash or short-term securities (Cash Company) for more than 6 months from the date the SET has received the audited statement of financial position after the disposition of all or most of the assets of listed company and/or subsidiary. (The statement of financial position*)
*The company have to submit a financial position report within 30 days from the date of asset disposal. during that, The SET may suspend trading of the company’s securities as post SP (Suspension) sign by SET Regulation: Rules, conditions and procedures for temporary suspension of securities trading until the company has reported complete and clear information as required by the SET.
The listed company have to cease the Cash Company status within 6 months from the date the Exchange has received the statement of financial position. Nevertheless, after the listed company submits the statement of financial position to the SET, the SET will announce that the company is a Cash Company and take measures against listed companies in accordance with the regulations of the Stock Exchange regarding measures to be taken in cases where listed companies have events that may affect their financial status and business operations. Along with posting the CC (Non-Compliance) sign on the registered securities.
Note :
To provide the company with clear guidelines for the elimination of the grounds for the possible delisting and encourage business rehabilitation.
The SET has set the process in 2 periods as the following actions:
1) Period for the elimination of the grounds for delisting – one year since the SET announce that its securities may potentially be delisted
The SET shall post NC (Non-Compliance) sign to inform investors that the securities may potentially be delisted, and SP (Suspension) sign to prohibit trading of securities until the company can eliminate the grounds for delisting and repossess the qualifications in order to resume normal trading:
As apparently there is a main business to be operated on a continuous basis taking into account which the SET will consider the following factors: commercial revenue, assets used in the operation of the main business, license/concessions required to operate such business, etc. or any other factors indicating that the listed company clarify has a core business that will continue to operate the business
2) Period for the repossession of qualifications in order to resume trading one year since the SET announces that the company has entered into the 2nd period.
The SET shall give the listed company time to take actions to repossess qualifications in order to resume trading within one year from the end of the elimination of grounds for delisting period, or from date the SET has received correct and complete written notice from the listed indicating that it has taken actions to eliminate the delisting grounds, whichever is the earlier:
The listed company can submit the request for the extension to resume trading once, and not exceed one year. The listed company shall submit the request for extension 7 business days in advance prior to the due date, together with the notice clarifying and providing supporting reasons or information, which shows that the listed company possess all of the following qualifications:
The listed company can submit the request for the SET to consider allowing the listed company to resume trading as normal provided that the listed company possess all the qualifications pursuant to the SET Regulation on Listing of Ordinary Shares or Preferred Shares as Listed Securities on SET or the mai (whichever the case). In regards to the minority shareholder distribution, the listed company shall comply with the regulation on maintain the listing company status. A listed company must have no less than 150 minority shareholders, who collectively hold no less than 15% of the company’s paid-up capital.
Submit an application to the Stock Exchange not less than 7 business days before the due date of the processing period in period 2.
The Stock Exchange may send the request along with various information. to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for consideration as well. The listed company must submit information for consideration as additionally requested by the Stock Exchange and/or the SEC Office.
The SET shall disseminate information on the resumption of trading 7 business days in advance before the securities of the listed company commence trading. In this regard, listed companies must organize meetings to present and explain information about the business and operating results of the listed company to shareholders, investors, and related persons. According to the guidelines set by the Stock Exchange, at least 1 time within 1 year from the date of the announcement that common shares of listed companies will resume trading on the Stock Exchange.
Delist: If the company is unable to resolve all the reasons for delisting or are not qualified to return to trading within the specified period The Stock Exchange will consider ordering the delisting and will allow trading of securities 7 business days before delisting while maintaining the NC symbol and allowing purchases with a Cash Balance account.
For the company which is subject to possible delisting since November 1, 2021
For the company which is subject to possible delisting before November 1, 2021
Related Regulations
If the listed company is unable to solve the Cash Company status with 6 months from the date the SET receives the financial position report, which has been reviewed by the auditor, after the disposition of all or most of the assets of listed company and/or subsidiary, the SET shall announce its securities may potentially be delisted and post NC (Non-Compliance) and SP (Suspension) sign to suspend trading of securities until the listed company can eliminate the grounds for delisting, and repossess qualifications in order to resume normal trading.
The listed company can submit the request to be considered re-listing its securities pursuant to the SET’s Regulation on Listing of Ordinary Shares or Preferred Shares as Listed Securities on mai. After the SET has approved the company’s qualifications, its securities will resume trading on mai.