The listed company may be subject to delisting if SET considers the company is not qualified to maintain the listing company status. Major grounds of possible delisting are as follows:
In addition, with respect to listed companies that may be delisted from listed securities before 1 November 2021, the rules regarding the delisting of listed securities will still apply, dated 25 December 2017. In this regard, if submitting a request to resume trading from March 25, 2024 onwards, the contents of Section 2 of the guidelines attached to the announcement of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Board regarding Guidelines for resolving the reasons for the delisting of common shares from being listed securities, No. 2, B.E. 2024, in respect of actions to bring listed securities of listed companies back to trading on the Stock Exchange, to come into force, mutatis mutandis.
For listed companies that may be subject to delisting or causes that may lead to delisting from 1 January 2025 onwards might proceed to be qualified to resume trading by referring to shareholders' equity and profits to be in line with listing ordinary shares regulation which effective from 1 January 2025 onwards
In the event that a listed company faces possible delisting due to multiple grounds which require different periods of time for rectification, SET will separately deal with each of the grounds. On this basis, SET will commence the delisting procedure for the ground with the nearest expiry date for resolving the ground for possible delisting. For example, when the listed company has negative shareholders’ equity and has 3 years to rectify this ground, while as being a Cash Company, it has one year, once the one-year period is due but the listed company has not been able to eliminate the ground for a Cash Company, SET will propose to the Board to consider delisting even though the period for shareholders’ equity rectification is not yet expired.
Considered according to the Public Limited Companies Act, B.E. 2535 (1992) as follows. SET determines the reasons of the grounds for the possible delisting when the shareholders vote to liquidate the business by law. SET will propose to the SET Board of Directors to consider the delisting. However, it may be made after the date the registrar accepts the liquidation registra.