Annual Report
Summary of SET activities for investors, listed companies, securities companies and stakeholders in 2015:
The results of a survey measuring satisfaction in the SET group’s services in 2015 among customers and concerned parties
consisting of listed companies, member companies, asset management companies, financial consulting companies, commercial
banks and insurance companies, found that the overall satisfaction score was 96%.
Providing investment information
to students, investors and
general public
Continued to provide financial and investment information services
to the general public every year through SET Investment Center
(SET IC), founded by The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Chiangmai, Phitsanulok, Songkla,
Suratthani and Ubon Ratchathani
Organized roadshows, under the “New Frontier Roadshow”
catering to investors’ needs in order to strengthen capabilities of
people in the provinces to become quality investors
26 provinces
Supporting investment in
the country by providing
information for interested
investors about Thai listed
companies as well as SET
products and services
Set up “SET booth” at Money Expo, held in five major cities
across the country
5 provinces: Pattaya, Hat Yai,
Korat, Udonthani and Chiang-
Cooperated with Association of investment Management
Companies (AIMC) to hold Mutual Fund Fair,providing investment
consultation via intensive seminar and workshop
More than 1,500 funds from
15 leading asset management
Organized the 11
SET in the City under the concept “Explore
new trends and discover investment opportunities”
1 time, in Bangkok
Organizing roadshows in
the country and overseas for
investors to meet with Thai
listed firms in order to gain
more confidence on Thai
listed firms’ potential
Organized SET Thai Corporate Day 2015 under the concept
“Thailand : ASEAN’s Gateway to GMS” in Bangkok
220 institutional investors
50 Thai listed companies
925 meetings arranged
Together with Credit Suisse Securities (Thailand) Limited/
Capital Nomura Securities pcl / DBS Vickers Securities
(Thailand) Co., Ltd./KT Zmico Securities Co., Ltd. and Auerbach
Grayson and Company LLC organized roadshows targeting
global investment hubs in Europe, USA and Asia
4 times in Hong Kong & Japan
/ Singapore / London / USA
With 40 Thai listed companies
Together with Phatra Securities pcl and Bank of America
Merrill Lynch organized “Thailand Focus 2015 : Opportunity
Growth and Reform”
400 fo r e i gn and Tha i
investors (including 80
institutional investors)
100 Thai listed companies
p r esen t ed p r o f i l e and
more than 950 meetings