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Annual Report


Anti-misconduct and anti-corruption policy

SET’s BoG has realized the importance of conducting

business to prevent and combat misconduct and corruption by

setting up the anti-misconduct and anti-corruption policies as

key parts of the corporate governance principles. In 2015 the

BoG approved “SET’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines”, the revision

version of “SET’s Anti-Corruption Guideline for employee 2013”,

to cover governors, committee members, and advisors/experts. In

addition, some practices have been revised to be in line with best

practice of combat corruption as regulated by the Private Sector

Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption Council, or CAC.

In 2015, SET continued to comply with the policy and

guidelines prohibiting the acceptance of gifts, in order to establish

good governance and best practice for employees to follow with

transparency, without conflicts of interest. This policy has been

communicated to the third parties and all stakeholders in order

to establish a shared understanding, commitment, and common

culture in the fight against misconduct and corruption.

Creating awareness and communicating the intention

in the Anti-misconduct and Anti-corruption policies

In 2015, the SET group communicated the intention of the

Anti-misconduct and Anti-corruption policies to stakeholders both

internally and externally through a variety of activities as follows:

Business partners or potential business partners:

Arranged the first meeting with business partners to help

them understand SET’s anti-misconduct and anti-corruption

policies by clearly identifying the wordings of the anti-

corruption policy in procurement process such as purchasing

order forms, bidding announcements, and terms of reference


Listed companies, member companies and other agencies


posted “SET’s Anti-Corruption Guideline” on the

SET website with a letter from SET President requesting

cooperation in refraining from giving gifts to SET staff in

order to create standard for best practice.

SET management and staff:

1. Organized training session on “Fraud Risk Management”

to provide knowledge, promote understanding realization

on fraud risk put into practice, while being capable on risk

management, in line with SET anti-corruption measures.

2. Publicized articles on fraud and corruption case studies

occurred in Thailand to raise awareness of the damage

and published the 2015 version of “SET’s Anti-Corruption


Participating in Anti-corruption activities

In 2015, SET has continuously encouraged our governors,

executives and employees to participate in various activities to

support anti-corruption efforts, for example:

The SET Chairman joined the committee of the Anti-Corruption

Organization of Thailand, representing SET in meetings and

exchanging ideas which are beneficial to the development

of anti-corruption guidelines for Thailand.

Joined the Anti-Corruption Day 2015: “Active Citizen Against

Corruption” together with members of Anti-Corruption

Organization of Thailand from both public and private sectors

on September 6, 2015

Attended the 2015 annual conference of the Institute of

Internal Auditors of Thailand (IIA) under topic of “Good

Governance and Anti-Corruption in Thailand” and “Fraud

& Anti-corruption” on November 2, 2015

Joined the launch of “Anti-Corruption Foundation” organized

by The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) on


of the foundation, presided over the opening ceremony,

whilePrimeMinister PrayutChan-o-chaaddressed theopening

speech emphasizing the importance of anti-corruption

that must be realized by all sectors and at the same time

consciousness should be promoted among the youth.