Annual Report
the end of the period covered, which was before the deadline.
The BoG provides a statement of its responsibilities related
to the SET financial reports alongside the auditor’s report
in SET’s annual report.
In 2015, SET made major changes on the website
(www.set.or.th) by fully integrating products and services of
the SET group consisting of Market for Alternative Investment
(mai), Thailand Securities and Depository (TSD) as well as Thai
Clearing House (TCH), and Thailand Securities Institute (TSI),
to provide convenient one-stop service for all investors. SET has
also introduced a new menu called 'Investor classroom' full of
contents on financial and investment planning, featuring online
(e-learning) resources for potential investors with more than
3,000 video clips of online seminars and e-learning lessons.
In addition to disseminating information via website, SET
also provides information through various easily-accessible
channels and public relations activities providing information
on listed companies. Some examples are as follows:
Methods for disseminating information include organizing
training courses to provide investment education, releasing
important news on the capital market, and providing
investment insights and financial planning techniques
through SET social media, consisting of Facebook, Twitter
and YouTube. Moreover, in 2015 SET also launched a
new application called
SET Application" (or SET App),
developed by SET, as a center for investment knowledge
and information, as well as listed companies profile, SET
activities, previous seminars, including how to invest
in stocks.
News and information regarding finance and investment
are broadcast 24 hours a day on Money Channel television
station, which broadcasts. Additionally, press releases are
distributed to all media covering printed media, radio, TV
and websites.
The Opportunity Day event is held regularly following
the announcement of quarterly financial statements so
that listed companies can meet with securities analysts,
investors and the media in order to keep them informed
about business performance. This provides opportunity
for investors to receive information directly from each
company’s executives. In 2015, Opportunity Day was
participated by 534 listed companies and 427,079
investors and other interested parties.
Another information channel for investors, listed
companies, securities companies, and other stakeholders
to receive information on request, to contact SET staff and
to access other information services is via phone call to
SET office, or call center which operates 24 hours a day:
1. S-E-T Call Center (via telephone number 0-2009-9999 or
SETCallCenter@set.or.th)provides services on investment, SET
products and services, the SET group, Capital Market Research
Institute and Money Channel’s activities, including answering
members’ enquiries, etc.
2. TSD Call Center (via telephone number 0-2009-9999
TSDCallCenter@set.or.th)provides information about
registrar services and provident funds, e-Dividend Service,
as well as information on shareholders via the internet portal,
transferring or reissuing replacement documents if lost.
Moreover Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX), a SET
subsidiary, was awarded the "Best Technology Innovation by
an exchange", at the 2015 Futures and Options World (FOW)
Awards for Asia event, covering outstanding trading system
innovation; low latency execution; shorter time for introducing
new products, growing business volume, facilitating multi-
market and multi-currency products, as well as risk management
capacity increase.