e-Proxy Voting

The e-Proxy Voting system is newly developed for the securities holders who want to proceed proxy voting via electronic channel that is linked to the Revenue Department for the electronic stamp (e-Stamp) payment. As a result, electronic payments can be made by securities holders more easily, quickly, and inexpensively using methods like online banking or QR codes. With this additional channel, the securities holders’ s documents are not required and sent to the company by post. The e-Proxy Voting forms will ultimately be retrieved by the companies via an e-Proxy voting system electronically on the closing voting date.

Use of Services

  • Thai Individual holders who are member of Investor Portal (IVP) and are verified by NDID (National Digital ID) can utilize the service through IVP.
  • Fund managed by Asset Management Company, and Foreign juristic persons managed by Custodian can utilize the service through e-Proxy for Intermediaries.

e-Proxy Voting Period

From the date the meeting invitation notification is mailed until 5.00 pm.1 business day prior to the company’ s meeting date.