Subject | The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) | Market for Alternative investment (mai) |
Status | Must be a public limited company or corporation established under special law. | |
Paid-Up Capital in Common Shares (After Public Offering) | ≥ THB 100 million | ≥ THB 50 million |
Financial condition and liquidity |
Track record | Profit Approach Must have the operating results in accordance with the specified requirements and continuously until the date of approval for being listed securities.
| Profit Approach Must have the operating results in accordance with the specified requirements and continuously until the date of approval for being listed securities.
Market Capitalization Approach/1 | ||
Distribution of minority shareholders or free float /2 (After IPO) |
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Public Offering Approval |
| |
Management and Control Personnel |
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Corporate Governance and Internal Control |
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Conflicts of Interest |
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Nature of Business Operation | No operations are conducted in the manner of an investment management business (Investment Company) as prescribed under the Notifications of the Capital Market Supervisory Board /3/4. | |
Financial statements and auditors |
| |
Provident fund | By the date the listing application is filed, the applicant has established a provident fund. | |
Registrar | Appoint TSD or an approved registrar by SET. | |
Silent Period | Net Profit Approach The silent period extends for one year after listing. Those who meet the criteria for strategic shareholders are not allowed to sell their shares totaling 55% of paid-up capital after the IPO. They are permitted to sell a maximum of 25% only of the locked-up shares after 6 months. | |
Market Capitalization Approach/1 The specification shall be in accordance with the Market Cap Test criteria. | ||
Opportunity Day | Net Profit Approach The company must organize a meeting to present and clarify the information about business and performance to shareholders, investors and related persons at least 1 time within the first year after having been listed in order to allow them access to relevant information and opportunity of raising queries to the management of the listed company. Market Capitalization Approach/1 The specification shall be in accordance with the Market Cap Test criteria. |
Qualifications | SET (For Thai company and foreign company that benefits the Thai economy) | mai (For Thai company) |
Industries | 10 Target Industries (as specified in the Notification of the Board of Governors of the SET) | |
Market Capitalization | ≥ 7,500 million Baht | ≥ 2,000 million Baht |
Track Record | ≥ 3 years under the continuous management of the same majority group of directors and managements for a consecutive period of ≥ 1 year before the submission of application. | ≥ 2 years under the continuous management of the same majority group of directors and managements for a consecutive period of ≥1 year before the submission of application. |
Operating revenue in the latest year |
Silent Period | 3 years (permitted to sell 20% of the locked-up shares after 1 year and upon completion of every 6-month period thereafter) | |
Objectives of fund raising | Use more than 50% of proceeds to support the operation of its business in target industries which has already generated commercial income by developing, improving or enhancing the business to remain or become its core business within the timeframe as specified in the registration statement for securities offering (SEC’s filing) | |
Information disclosure by issuer and financial advisor |
2A company shall utilize its BOI’s investment incentives in business group A1-A2 to support the business in target industries. Please kindly refer to under section “Rules and Regulations” “Issuers” and “Simplified Regulations”.
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