The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) has in place enterprise risk management with the objective of supporting the organization to achieve its goal in the business operation.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand clearly stipulates structure for risk management whereby the Board of Governors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand supervises and ensures that the management function shall undertake appropriate and effective risk management throughout the whole organization. The SET’s Board of Governors entrusts the Risk Management Committee with the task of screening and providing opinion to the SET’s Board of Governors and the management to ensure the stipulation of appropriate risk management policy. The Risk Management Committee shall also consider providing opinion on the risk assessment result and risk management measures to deal with key risks and ensure they remain at an acceptable level. All the executives and personnel in the SET Group have the duty to manage risks in relation to the operation for which they are responsible pursuant to the policy and guideline stipulated. The risk management department has the duty to support the performance of work by the Risk Management Committee and to report on the status of key risks to executives, the Risk Management Committee, the SET’s Board of Governors and the Board of Directors of SET’s subsidiaries on a regular basis.
In addition, the risk management department has the duty to coordinate and conduct the risk management process of SET Group as well as reinforcing the risk management culture for the management and personnel in the organization.