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Proportion of SET suppliers

are Thai business

SET encourages entrepreneurs,

regardless of their size, to propose

products and services with good

quality and at reasonable price.

In 2014, SET used a total of

8,356 suppliers, 98% of them

were local entrepreneurs.

Human rights aspect is one of the factors

for SET to screen suppliers. For instance,

trade partners must avoid and must not

support counterfeited products, nor engage

in business which employs child labor,

slavery or illegal foreign workers. In addition,

SET has communicated the intention to

combat corruption to raise awareness of the

suppliers and encourage them to jointly

carry out the business transparently and in

compliance with the laws.

SET procures goods and services which are environmentally friendly

such as green label items. SET selects quality products and services,

and reuse things. If using disposable items, SET would prefer the

items produced by green-technology with energy efficiency. SET also

assesses the product cycle to ensure that the products and services

will not cause pollution to the environment.


