Trading Procedure
1st Step to trade @SET
1st Step to trade @SET
Currently, trading access to SET and its other entities can be divided into three main channels:
SET offers different types of shares for both local and foreign investors which are summarized as following:
Types of Shares | Capital-gain rights | Dividend rights | Voting rights |
Local Shares | Yes | No | No |
Foreign Shares | Yes | Yes | Yes |
NVDR | Yes | Yes | No |
Note: The account holder must be at least 20 years old. The applicable banks for Automated Transfer System (ATS) are BBL, KTB, BAY, KBANK, TMB, CIMB Thai, SCB, TBANK, UOB Thailand, and LH Bank.
Note: Contact your broker for more information on:
For individual investors, capital gains are tax exempt, and any profits will be transferred to the investor’s broker account directly. Dividends are subject to 10% withholding tax, which can be submitted via bank account transfer or check.
For more information about taxation on equity investments, please see: