
Investor Relations Website Service (IR Website)

A service that enables listed companies to disclose information about their securities trading to investors or shareholders via their registered websites, which helps improve their corporate image and promote good governance principles.

A service that enables listed companies to disclose information about their securities trading to investors or shareholders via their registered websites, which helps improve their corporate image and promote good governance principles.

Interested companies can choose
between three service options:

Interested companies can choose between three service options:

Basic service (free of charge)
By simply adding the provided HTML code to their authorized website, companies can automatically display their security trading information (updated every 15 minutes) including SET Index.
Sample display for basic service
Group 18222
Web service - IR Website
Listed companies who would like to receive real-time security trading prices, company announcement and SET Index directly from SET in order to develop IR website themselves. Data will be provided via API in JSON format.
To apply the service and see more information, please "Click"

IR website services via SET-authorized service providers
IR website services via SET-authorized service providers
Listed companies who would like to publish information in formats other than those listed above can also get IR website service through SET-authorized service providers. For more information, please contact
Group 18208
Optiwise Co., Ltd. :
Group 18208 (Thailand) Co., Ltd :
Group 18208
Inventech Systems (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. :
Listed Company must get approval from SET prior to getting IR website service through SET-authorized service providers.