
Eligible Underlying

Derivative Warrant (DW) is a financial instrument that requires a small initial investment but yields high returns. Profits can be made during both market ups and downs.

Thai Stocks

Foreign stocks indices

For more information, please contact SET Contact Center

The ETFs which use SET indices as an underlying

  1. The underlying assets of derivative warrants in this list are the SET 51-100 stocks with quarterly average market capitalizations of at least THB10 billion for the 4 latest quarters. The list announced by The Stock Exchange of Thailand ("SET") shall be final.
  2. The list has been calculated and announced by the SET only to provide information. The SET does it best to ensure accuracy, correctness and creditability of the information; however, it is not liable for the information or any error arising from the use of the information. The SET does not claim that the information is accurate, complete or timely and accepts no liability for any loss resulting from using the information.
  3. Issuance of derivative warrants is subject to law as well as SEC and SET rules and regulations. The SET does not guarantee any obligations prescribed in the terms and conditions of derivative warrants.
  4. The above list is effective from 19/02/2568

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) issues this document for providing general information only. While thorough care has been taken in preparing and updating the data to ensure complete, accurate, and reliable information, SET cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here. SET thus cannot be held responsible, obligated, or liable for any kind of inaccuracies, delays, interruptions, errors, or omissions.