Meetings / Senior
Management Meetings
(11 meetings)
Little Voice Great
Value Program
(1 survey)
These regular meetings have enabled executives of each department to exchange views,
synergizing business success and encouraging effective teamworking. The policies and
key work progress could also be cascaded down to all employees.
This survey is to listen to employee voices on their workplace environment. This regular
survey has been conducted for 9 years. SET will continue to listen to staff feedback on
how to make SET a great place to work.
3.4 Business partner selection process
3.5 Anti-misconduct and anti-corruption policy
SET must select business partners with transparency
and fairness to each and every one of them. The selection
process must strictly comply with SET’s procedures and
processes of the regulations and practices relating to
purchasing and procurement, which can be summarized
as follows:
SET seriously puts the importance on fighting against
misconduct and corruption by setting up the anti-misconduct
and anti-corruption policies as key parts of the corporate
governance principles, available on the SET website.
Details of the policies’ implementation are specified in
the “Anti- Misconduct and Anti-Corruption Guidelines”,
indicating best practices and prohibited activities,
including examples of incidents that might put a person
at risk of misconduct or corruption. These are to ensure
that everyone in the organization can fully comply with
Moreover, SET is prohibited from conducting business
with any person or organization associated with or likely
to be tainted by corruption. As such, all SET executives
and staff, especially those in procurement, must strictly
adhere to best practices.
To set required
qualifications for
companies applying
as suppliers/business
partners and keep all of
them equally informed
of all necessary
To set up the
working group to
shortlist business
partners according
to specified criteria
with transparency
and fairness.
To prepare
agreements or
contracts with
business partners
which must be
fair to all.
To set up the
inspection working
group -which is
independent of the
procurement working
group to closely inspect
to take out according
to the set conditions
or agreement.
To arrange
the payments
according to the
terms and conditions
set forth in the
the anti-misconduct and anti-corruption practices, using
the same standard.
In 2014, SET announced the policy and guidelines
prohibiting the acceptance of gifts in order to establish
good governance and best practice for employees to
follow with transparency, without conflicts of interest.
This policy has been communicated to the third
parties and all stakeholders in order to establish a shared
understanding and common culture in the fight against
misconduct and corruption.