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Annual Report 2014


Creating awareness and communicating

the intention in the Anti-misconduct

and Anti-corruption policies

In 2014, the SET group communicated the intention

of the Anti-misconduct and Anti-corruption policies

to stakeholders both internally and externally through

a variety of activities as follows:

• Business partners or potential business partners:

Arranged the first meeting with business partners

to help them understand SET’s anti-misconduct

and anti-corruption policies by clearly identifying the

wordings of the anti-corruption policy in procurement

process such as purchasing order forms, bidding

announcements, terms of reference announcements,

and signature mail in the procurement unit’s functions.

• Listed companies, member companies and other

involved agencies: Communicated to create

understanding and requested cooperation in

refraining from giving gifts to SET staff in order to

create standard for best practices.

• Regulatory Agencies: Held meetings and discussions

with representatives from the SEC to exchange

ideas on building guidelines for CG awareness for

employees in the organization in order to implement

important policies such as anti-misconduct and

anti-corruption policies, and guidelines on giving

or receiving gifts.

• SET management and staff: Continuously build

knowledge and understanding on the purpose and

guidelines of not receiving gifts, and on the policies

of anti-misconduct and anti-corruption through

various channels, such as newsletters, web-based

activities, information meetings and others.

Participating in Anti-corruption activities

SET, as one of the organizations committed to fighting

corruption in Thailand, encourages the governors,

executives and employees to participate in activities

organized by SET or other organizations to support

anti-corruption efforts, for example:

• The SET Chairman serves on the committee of the

Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand, representing

SET in meetings and exchanging ideas which are

beneficial to the development of anti-corruption

guidelines for Thailand.

• Participated in the “Anti-Corruption Day 2014”

annual event, under the theme “Hand in Hand…..

Reforming Fighting for Sustainable Victory,” held

on September 6, 2014

• Attended the 2014 annual conference of the Institute

of Internal Auditors of Thailand (IIA) under the

topic “ New Era of Anti-Corruption with Corporate

Governance” on September 15, 2014

• Joined the IIA clinic’s forum on “Money laundering:

case study and related laws & regulations” on

December 20, 2014.

Risk assessment and monitoring of

the Anti-corruption policy’s implementation

Fraud and corruption are considered key risks

facing the organization. Every year, each department

must evaluate and identify the measures required to

manage such risks. Each department has to continuously

monitor and report risk status to ensure that SET can

handle risks in a timely manner and manage risks

efficiently, keeping them at an acceptable level. The

Risk Management Department regularly tracks and

reports risk status to senior management, the Risk

Management Committee and the SET Board of Governors,

keeping them constantly informed. The Internal

Audit Department verifies the effectiveness of internal

control measures related to the prevention of fraud

and corruption.

The Compliance unit is directly responsible for

consulting with and providing suggestions to staff, as

well as ensuring that SET operations comply with SET

anti-corruption policy and guidelines. In addition, this

unit manages whistle-blowing from staff who has found

actions likely to lead to corruption, coordinating with

the internal audit unit for investigation, for transparency

and fair treatment with all parties and then report to

the SET president and the Audit Committee.