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The SET Board of Governors continues to focus on

maintaining high standard of corporate governance,

which is fundamental to the operation of the Exchange

creating confidence among stakeholders in the Thai

capital market. The BoG has assigned the Corporate

Governance and Social Responsibility Committee to

consider and examine the CG and social responsibility

of listed companies as well as SET, and report to the

BoG regularly.

SET realizes the importance of succession planning

to ensure the work progress and continuation of the

SET president’s position and other top executives. The

process to select a successor is clear and transparent,

considering the background, competency, ethics,

leadership skills and vision of the candidates. Results

of the succession planning process have been reported

to the Board regularly. The Leadership Development

Program has been set up, as part of the succession

plan, to screen, select, develop and maintain executives

with potential ready to manage the organization with

competitive capabilities in the future.

(4) Corporate Governance

(3) Succession planning

• Policies and guidelines

of Corporate Governance

SET policies and practices relating to CG are in line

with international standard, with guidelines for business

operations as well as for SET governors, executives,

and employees. Some samples of SET policies and

practices are as follows:

1. SET CG Policies

2. SET Code

of Conduct

3. Trading of

SET-listed securities

by SET governors

and employees

SET governors, management and employees to perform their duties strictly by following

SET CG policies and practices so that the SET group will be widely accepted and become

a role model for other organizations in the Thai capital market.

To make sure SET governors, committee members, advisors and employees understand

and follow the Code of Conduct, having received the documents from the first day of

work at SET. Every new employee must sign the intent to follow the Code of Conduct.

To make it clear and transparent, while building trust among stakeholders, there has

been guidelines of best practice for governors and staff to follow strictly. This means

investment must be made in all fairness and honesty, not using authority or inside

information to seek benefits.

More information on the SET policies and practices, as described above, can be found on the SET website: