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Continuing to fight corruption

SET’s BoG has realized the importance of preventing

and combating misconduct and corruption in business, and

has set up anti-misconduct and anti-corruption policies

as key parts of the SET Code of Conduct. In 2015,

the BoG approved “SET’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines”,

the revision version of “SET’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines

for Employees 2013”, to cover governors, committee

members, and advisors/experts. In addition, some practices

have been revised to be in line with best practices of

anti-corruption conduct as regulated by the Private Sector

Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption Council.

In addition, SET has continuously encouraged the BoG,

executives and employees to participate in activities to fight

corruption, such as those of Anti-Corruption Day 2015,

“Active Citizen Against Corruption”, or “Anti-Corruption

Foundation” launching. Besides, SET has announced

and communicated its anti-corruption policy among its

business partners and suppliers.

CG Day

SET annually host CG Day events to promote

understanding of the Code of Conduct among

SET employees. In 2015, the CG Day event’s

theme was “Towards Sustainable Growth”,

to enhance employee understanding of SET’s

moving towards “Sustainable Stock Exchange”.

Over 300 SET employees participated in the
