Sustainability mechanism
Steps Forward
“Towards Sustainable Growth”
During the past four decades, SET has continuously developed and geared the organization
to meet stakeholder needs. SET aims to engage all parties to drive the ecosystem of the
capital markets, society and nation on a road to stable, prosperous and sustainable growth.
SET has therefore set up a framework for sustainable development, with a clear direction for
efficient implementation.
According to SET’s “Towards Sustainable Growth 2020”
long-term goals and strategy, the focus is on the
organization’s potential development in line with
stakeholder needs and SET context.
SET has exploerd globally-accepted sustainable
development practices and guidelines, including DJSI
assessment, GRI reporting framework, and international
exchanges’ sustainability strategies, to develop itself
in line with global capital markets. SET has recently
launched the
SET Sustainable Stock Exchange
, comprised of five dimensions: Market
growth, Sustainability management, Employees, Social
concerns, and Environmental concerns.
In 2015 the SET Board of Governors (BoG) finalized
SET Sustainable Stock Exchange strategy
this five-dimension framework. The main points are to
strengthen from the inside out and promote effective
communication, especially among employees, to create
awareness and synergy in driving the whole organization
towards the strategic goals.