New challenges of the Thai capital market
As a result of domestic economic growth and
technological advancement in the global capital markets,
the Thai capital market has been expanding dramatically,
reflected by the market capitalization as of December 30
2015, which was 40% higher than 10 years ago.
However, Thailand’s capital market still faces economic,
social and environmental challenges which have great
impact on all the stakeholders. SET therefore focuses
on boosting the quality of listed companies, as well as
introducing a broader range of investment products
and services, creating higher liquidity for investors,
while enhancing technology to meet international standards
and quality, moving forward to become a sustainable
stock exchange.
“Towards Sustainable Growth”
SET integrated business process with sustainability
development by setting
“Towards Sustainable Growth
long-term goals and strategy to develop the capital
market, both in terms of broadening by increasing
varieties of products and services as well as expanding
the investor base and number of listed companies; and
deepening by focusing on the development of the Thai
capital market capabilities, such as promoting financial
knowledge and investment widely among investors and
the general public, while encouraging listed companies
and entrepreneurs to conduct businesses with social
New Challenges
of the Thai Capital Market
Strategy to drive towards sustainability
During 2014-2015, SET continued to implement
the “Towards Sustainable Growth 2020” strategy to
improve the quality of listed companies by moving
towards sustainability based on ESG principles,
while supporting the growing base of the small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups to
gain access to the capital market. The growth of
SMEs and startups will be instrumental in creating
the New S-Curve in the capital market. SET plans
to add a variety of new products, promote fundraising
among foreign companies, and continuously strengthen
the institutional investor base and create quality
retail investors.
Moreover, SET seeks to strengthen collaboration
with GMS and global major exchanges to increase
competitiveness and support the sustainable economic
growth of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).