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In early 2014, there were political rallies close to The Stock Exchange

of Thailand’s building, causing the disruption for staff and visitors

to enter the SET building. SET closely monitored the situation by

taking into consideration the safety, interests of stakeholders and

the continuity of business operation. The Business Continuity Plan

was implemented twice to continue providing service throughout

the political turmoil period.

Incident or

event occur


Execute BCP

Assessment of

business impact

Work at

alternate office

Returning to

primary office

Plan & Contact

Business interruption risk

The exchange has implemented Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to prepare for traumatic incidents that could

lead to damage or loss such as natural disaster, riot and unrest, etc. To ensure that the organization’s

business continuity plan is practical and effective for real situation, SET has established BCP working group

consisting of high-level executives to consider the appropriateness of the plan, its implementing guidelines

and necessary resources required during emergency. The working group also monitors the revision and

testing of BCP plan continually to guarantee the suitability and continuous implementation of the plan.

SET has also set up a BCP subgroup for each core business division.