Risk management supervision, examination and monitoring
The SET board of governors has placed importance on risk management by appointing the Risk Management
Committee consisting of four SET governors (including the SET president) and at least two experts in finance,
accounting or risk management on a one-year term. The Risk Management Committee has the duty in
compliance with the Risk Management Committee Charter such as risk management supervision, examination
and monitoring, providing opinion or recommendation for managing risk of the overall stock market.
The Risk Management Committee will revise the charter to ensure its suitability, with an approval from
SET BoG every year, to ensure that the charter contents are consistent with SET objectives and
risk management strategy.
Risk management monitoring and reporting
• The Risk Management Committee meets at least once every quarter to monitor the operation.
• The administrative unit tracks risk status and reports the findings to the Risk Management Committee
on a monthly basis and to SET BoG regularly every quarter.
• The administrative unit reports the findings regarding risk management to the Audit Committee and
the SET BoG every quarter.
• The Risk Management Committee meets the Audit Committee at least once a year.
Risk management unit provides supports on risk management in terms of the process and relevant tools
which are Risk and Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) and Key Risk Indicators. This will ensure efficient risk
management enterprise-wide.