Anti-corruption policy
SET has the responsibility to observe the law and domestic anti-corruption standards including the laws of
other countries which operate relevant businesses. In addition, SET supports the activities to combat graft
and to promote anti-corruption guidelines.
Anti-corruption Guidelines
The exchange has placed high priority on fighting corruption. Therefore, it sets the Anti-corruption Guidelines
in the SET code of conducts with four key elements as follows:
Anti-corruption guidelines are considered regulations that SET employees have to comply and strictly follow.
Those who violate the regulations will be subject to disciplinary punishment as prescribed by human resource
management regulations and subject to maximum penalty of employment termination. Or if corruption
cases with trade partners or partnered agencies are found, SET will consider terminating the contract and
suspending business dealings with such individuals and agencies.
Anti-corruption communications and campaign for employees
In 2014, the exchange announced the policy not to
accept gifts in order to set a desirable standard for
employees to perform their duty in a transparent manner.
The exchange has communicated such policy to the third
parties. Furthermore, a series of activities to promote
anti-corruption cooperation were organized both
internally and externally. For instance, SET invited and
encouraged the executives and employees inside and
outside the exchange to participate in the campaign
organized by Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand
Presents or gifts
Political neutrality
• Fight all kinds of dishonesty,
bribery and corruption
• Support and join activities to
combat corruption organized
by other agencies
• Employees must avoid and
refuse to give or receive any
gift as a mutual exchange
for them or their friends.
• Adhere to justice and
political neutrality.
• Have neither political
affiliation nor policy to
provide financial support
to any political party or any
individual party.
• Charitable donation or
financial support to any
organization shall not be
used for bribery or
inappropriate business
purposes or political related
during the Anti-Corruption Day 2014. The exchange also participated in a conference organized by the
Securities and Exchange Commission to share their views on how to materialize the corporate governance
and anti-corruption policy to produce fruitful results.