Committees of Sustainabillity
To ensure effective supervision and monitoring of SET corporate governance and sustainable operations,
the BoG
has appointed four committees as follows:
The four committees report to the SET board of governors quarterly. Moreover, the board also names special
experts to support and give opinions on issues relating to the sub-committees and the business unit.
Corporate governance and sustainability guidelines
Corporate Governance
and Social Responsibilities
Nomination and
Remuneration Committee
Audit Committee
Risk Management
To determine the entire
SET’s sustainable
development policy
To be responsible for
recruitment and succession
plan for the president
and the key executives.
The committee also
determines the remuneration
structure of the board of
governors, the management
and employees appropriately
and fairly
To monitor and ensure
transparency and
efficiency of SET
operations in accordance
with risk management
To determine the policy and
risk management framework
of business units to ensure
continuous and effective
business operation