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Annual Report


The SET group’s strategic plan for

2016 and long-term strategic goal

TheStockExchangeofThailand(SET) seeks tocontinually integratesustainabledevelopment into

its business processes to advance the development of the Thai capital market. SET has focused on

fulfilling stakeholders’ needs and strengthening the capitalmarket foundation to fortifyThailand’s

economic competitiveness, society and environment. SET has set out the long-term

strategic goal emphasizing on sustainable growth, andhas aimed at achieving three vital targets by

2020,whichare: 1) growingequitymarketwithquality to support thedevelopment ofThai economy,

2) enhancing liquidity as well as investors’ knowledge in derivatives market, and

3) providing various investment products and services with world-class standard.

Therefore, SET has planned the 2016 strategic plan focusing on six major areas to drive the

new S-Curve of Thai capital market growth:

1.1 Attract new listed securities

SET aims to facilitate both domestic and international

businesses with fund-raising needs. In 2016, SET targets to

increase market capitalization by THB 270 billion from initial

public offering (IPO). Targeted IPO companies are 1) industry

leaders, 2) companies in government-supported business

sectors, and 3) companies with business in Greater Mekong

Subregion (GMS).

1.2 Enhance quality and capability of listed

companies and SMEs

SET aims to enhance capabilities of doing businesses for

both Thai listed and non-listed companies focusing especially

on SMEs. SET plans to facilitate business-matching scheme

among the companies to facilitate their innovative development

and succession planning.

Furthermore, SET will focus on quality improvement of listed

companies for sustainable development. SET will support

and nurture those companies to enhance their corporate

governance (CG). SET will also encourage them to embrace their

businesses with the Environment, social, and governance (ESG)

principles to be eligible for inclusion in Thailand Sustainability

Investment (THSI) which is the list of companies with excellent

ESG principles at the domestic level, and become a member of

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) at the international level.

1.3 Improve listing and regulating framework for

listed securities

SET plans to revise listing and regulating framework by

focusing on 1) criteria for new listing in both SET and mai,

2) trading rules and mechanism, and 3) risk management and

trading supervision scheme.

1.4 Develop corporate financial professionals of

listed companies and SMEs

SET strives to become a center of corporate financial

professional development to support the change of Thai industries.

SET will launch a new SET – corporate financial development

curriculum to groom corporate professionals specializing in

finance and investor relations. Thus, listed companies and

SMEs can effectively utilize the capital market to fulfill their

funding needs. In 2016, SET plans to train 2,000 personnel

of targeted listed companies and SMEs.

2. Develop new asset classes and

enlarge coverage of existing

products and services

In 2016, SET aims to continually expand its product and

service range to serve a variety of investment demands in the

market. SET will develop new asset classes and multi-currency

products, as well as introduce physical-delivery method

for commodity products, such as agricultural futures and

electronic gold.

1. Expand and enhance quality

of listed companies, as well as

strengthening SMEs