SET has organized the Capital
Market Research Forum every month for six consecutive
years. It is a venue to present capital market research and
studies, as well as exchanging views on issues of public
interest. The forums were participated by distinguished
guests, capital market experts and specialists, and policy
makers from both financial and capital markets, as well as
lecturers from leading universities to share their views that
could benefit the capital market development in Thailand.
Moreover, SET signed a memorandum of understanding
(MOU) for the development of CG database and research work
in the Thai capital market, with the Faculty of Commerce and
Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University and the Faculty of
Management, Kasetsart University (Si Racha campus). The aim
was to support CG database development and research for the
benefit of the Thai capital market, as well as the future CG
research and studies.
The cooperation aims at
developing a system for large capacity data management,
which will enhance efficiency in various capital market
research studies.
SET, jointly with the IMF Re-
gional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP), organized the first
International CapitalMarketsConference2015 inThailand, under
the “BuildingRegional CapitalMarkets: Global Experiences: GMS
Aspiration” theme. It aimed at exchanging views about fundrais-
ing opportunities, investment connections and capital markets
development among the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS)
nations, participated by more than 300 senior executives from
both local and international organizations.
SET joined as a member of
the joint public-private sector capital markets taskforce, to drive
the capital markets reform, organized through different venues
arranged by the government, such as a sub-committee on
recommending views on the direction of the 12
Economic and Social Development plan, the sub-committee
for Thailand’s International CompetitivenessUpgrading. The latest
onewas the taskforceunder theThai CapitalMarketsDevelopment
Board, chaired by the Finance Minister, aiming to provide
guidelines to move forward the Thai capital market in various
dimensions, in order that the Thai capital market can support
the Thai economic and social development in a sustainable
manner. The suggested guidelines were such as the formulation
of the Thai Capital Market Development Plan (2016-2020), to
strategically promote connections between the Thai and regional
capital markets; the competitiveness enhancement of the Thai
financial sector, and the development of basic financial literacy
for the general public, the campaign to promote long-term sav-
ings for Thailand’s aging society among others.