• SET CG policies
are based mainly on CG guidelines of the Organization for Economic and Co-Operation and
Development and partly on the Principles of Good Corporate Governance for Listed Companies. The BoG expects that SET directors,
management and employees will perform their duties strictly following SET business ethical values so that SET Group will raise SET
CG policy and practices to international standards and serve as a role model for other organizations /institutions in the Thai capital
• The SET Code of Conduct
has been set out for SET Governors, committees, advisors and employees to acknowledge
and agree to adopt its principles as their own in performing their duties for SET by signing the Code of Conduct prior to beginning
The Compliance unit has been appointed by SET to receive information and complaints of behavior or any incident
which may go against the Code of Conduct. To give fair treatment to all concerned parties, the process of whistle-blowing or
protecting complainers and/or investigators has been identified explicitly in Code of Conduct and SET website.
In 2012, there was no compliant involving wrongdoing or business malpractices by SET governors, management
or staff that went against SET CG policies or Code of Conduct.
• Confidentiality and data usage
BoG recognizes the confidentiality of SET information and the protection against
conflicts of interest by not using confidential information dishonestly. SET includes these principles into its Code of Conduct for
governors and staff to comply with strictly, e.g., not exploiting SET confidential information to seek benefit in bad faith, maintaining
SET confidentiality so that documents or information will not leak, resulting in damage to SET; or not disclosing SET information
even after leaving SET. In 2012, SET implemented the Data Leak Prevention process, which is a tool for controlling publication of
information and protecting confidentiality.
• Trading of SET-listed securities by SET governors and employees
SET governors and employees must not exploit
confidential information during the course of their work or misuse their authority or position in their trading of listed securities. The
BoG has notified SET governors and employees of the practices that they are required to follow in the acquisition and disposition of
such securities. Governors must report on securities held in their own accounts or any accounts held by their spouses or minor
children; such reports shall remain confidential. All employees are required to seek prior written approval from their supervisor
before transacting any securities transaction. Also, employees may sell securities only after they have been held for 30 or more days.
In 2012, there was no case involving a Board member or SET employee for violation of SET rules and regulations or
using insider information or misusing authority in securities trading.
• Policies and guidelines on conflict of interests.
To guide all SET staff to act in the interests of the Exchange,
without favor or preference based on possible direct or indirect personal gain. The Exchange has provided examples of situations in
which a conflict of interest may arise and procedures to follow in these cases. These actions include:
- barring oneself from serving on the boards of, or as consultants to, listed companies or member firms; observing
the rules on serving on the boards of other companies or organizations, and seeking the president’s approval for
certain actions. If the president is the person in question, he/she must seek prior approval from the chairman.,
- disclosing in writing any relationship, both direct and indirect, with any person involved before engaging in
transactions with SET, and to abstain from participating in the procurement process.