SET provides channels for all stakeholders to report or complain about wrongdoings, legal violations or activities that violate
SET Group’s Code of Conduct, incorrect financial reports or defective internal control systems of SET Group directly to the Chairman
of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee investigates allegations of wrongdoing or complaints and reports their findings to the
SET Board of Governors. SET’s whistleblower policy has been disseminated through SET’s website in the section “Whistleblowing
policy”. Whistleblowers can contact the Chairman of the Audit Committee via:
1 Electronic mail
2. Postal mail
Chairman of the Audit Committee
Internal Audit Department
62 The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Ratchadaphisek Road, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10110
SET has a well-defined process to assure that whistleblowers will be protected in good faith. Among other things, the
whistleblower can choose to declare or not declare his/her name or contact details, the filing will be kept confidential from persons
not related to the given case, the whistleblower can request special protection and he/she will received fair treatment.
In 2012, there were no suggestions or complaints that SET Group had committed malpractices, including with respect to our
accounting, auditing, internal controls, violations of law or activities against SET Group’s Code of Conduct.
Compliance with rules and regulations
The SET Board of Governors (BoG) realizes the importance of strict compliance with the Securities and Exchange Act and
laws related to business conduct and also recognizes the rights of all stakeholders, including those related to human rights and fair
treatment of labor.
Disclosure and Transparency
The BoG emphasizes the quality of the information disclosed to ensure that important information for business operations and
securities trading is distributed sufficiently, correctly, accurately, and transparently through easy-to-access channels. The SET
website is a major source of important information, both financial and non-financial, in both Thai and English e.g.:
• SET publishes information on its overall operations, names and profiles of SET governors and executives, the structure of
SET Group operations, news/activities of SET, issuer activities and corporate governance of SET, including its CG policy, Code
of Conduct, trading guidelines for SET governors and staff, whistleblowing policy. In additionally, SET disseminated its risk
management policy and structure in 2012.
• SET annual reports, including audited financial statements and Management Discussion and Analysis, from 2001 to the
latest issue can be downloaded, with each report being issued no later than 60 days after year-end, as is the case with listed
companies. The 2012 SET financial report was published on February 20, 2013, or 51 days following the end of the period covered,
which was before the deadline. The BoG provides a statement of its responsibilities concerning the SET financial reports alongside
the auditor’s report in SET’s annual report.
• SET engages in public relations and public education via mass media, including SET’s website, television programs, radio
broadcasts and pamphlets.
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