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Annual Report


in specific-purpose funds in two open-ended venture

capital funds. The fair value of investments is measured

by using last bid price at the close of business on the

statement of financial position date by reference to the

Association of Investment Management Companies.

Held-to-maturity debt securities and trading securities

include fixed deposit accounts, bonds and debentures.

The fair value of fixed deposit accounts, which is in

Level 2, ismeasured by using discounted cash flows based on

each contract with an average yield of 4 commercial banks.

The fair value of bonds and debentures are measured by

using the bid yield of debt securities published in the

Thai Bond Market Association at the end of the date in

the statement of financial position.

Valuation techniques used to derive Level 3

fair values

As the Group has a general investment in limited

companieswhich theGroup’s shareholdingwas insignificant,

the Group has no controlling and decision making power in

the invested companies resulting in difficulty in obtaining

the information to support the fair value valuation in practice.

These investments are not in the stock exchange and

do not have any market prices which can be used as fair

value. The Group also do not have any plan for selling these

investments, so the Group did not assess the fair value

for the general investment. Therefore, the Group cannot

disclose the fair value of the general investment in the

notes to the financial statements and have stated these

investments at cost net allowance for impairment (if any).

35. Litigation, contingent assets and

contingent liabilities

35.1 Litigation

35.1.1 SET

In 2012, the Group sued the insurance group for the fire

damages of the Stock Exchange of Thailand building in 2010.

The Group is seeking compensation for alleged damages relating

to dismiss an insurance contract amounting to Baht 123 million

combined with interest rate at 7.50% per annum. The case was

dismissed by civil court and appeal court on 30 September 2013

and 14 November 2014, respectively. The Group filed petitions

to the supreme court. As at 31 December 2015, the case was

under the consideration of the supreme court. The outcome

of the case has not presently been finalised. Therefore, the

Group has not recorded any potential income in the financial

statements for the years ended 31 December 2015 and 2014.

35.2 Contingent liabilities

35.2.1 SET

As at 31 December 2015, the SET has letters of guarantee

issued by banks totalling Baht 6.99 million (2014: Baht 4.61

million) in respect of electricity usage in the ordinary course of

business from which management anticipates that no material

liabilities will arise.

The SET has issued a letter of comfort to a bank in

respect of an overdraft credit line of Baht 2,400 million (2014:

Baht 2,400 million) granted to Thailand Clearing House

Co., Ltd. (TCH), a subsidiary, for clearing and settlement of equity

instruments and derivatives. Under the terms of the letter of

comfort, the SET is required to maintain its shareholding at

99.99% of the registered share capital in TCH to the end of

the credit period. In addition, the SET is required to support

TCH’s operations to ensure its ability to repay the debt to

the bank. As at 31 December 2015, TCH had not drawn down

the overdraft credit line.