Develop Knowledge and Financial
Discipline for the Society
Thailand Securities Institute is the center for developing and disseminating finance and investment
knowledge. Its core mission is to create the strong foundation for quality investors and investment
personnel and build basic knowledge for the young people and the general public about finance,
investment, savings and personal finance management via activities and modern learning channels.
Financial literacy for young people
SET is committed to disseminating knowledge and understanding about financial literacy to youngsters, who
are and will become the driving force for the country’s economic growth via appropriate activities for each
target group as follows:
SET has teamed up with Romchatra Foundation,
the National Office of Buddhism, the Office of the
Basic Education Commission, Education Ministry,
Chulalonglongkorn University, Stri Witthaya School
2, the Thai Life Assurance Association, Foundation
of Virtuous Youth and the Crown Property Bureau to
organize the Diamond Crown Economics Competition.
The contest is aimed at promoting awareness of the
economic and financial literacy and personal finance
among the young people, from elementary to higher
education, to develop their skills in economics and
finance. In 2014, the competition received strong
interest from the educational institutions nationwide.
A total of 4,008 elementary and secondary school
students from 888 schools, as well as 489 college
students from 38 universities participated in the
competition. The contest for the elementary to
secondary school students has been continually
carried on from 2009 to 2014, drawing a total of
18,759 contestants. The competition at the college
level was organized for the first time in 2013 with
a total of 705 participants.
The Diamond Crown Economics Competition: Ngern Tong Kong Mee Ka
and the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy