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An increasing

percentage of

listed companies

that participated

in IR Awards


Development of investor relations

SET initiated the investor relations development as a mechanism to help promote listed companies’ corporate

governance. If they can run businesses with transparency and clear disclosure, investors will have more

confidence in their decision making.

Investor Relations Development Strategies

Recognizing the importance of investor relations development, SET encourages the establishment of the

Investor Relations Club (IR Club), operated under the Thai Listed Companies Association, as a venue for

knowledge and experience sharing. IR Club speakers, representing listed companies, are highly qualified.

Supported by SET, the IR Club has key strategy to create knowledge, understanding and public awareness

about the value and significance of IR function as follows:


Creation of common understanding

among executives

The creation of common understanding among

executives is a major step to drive the IR. In 2014,

SET organized a workshop entitled “CEO Workshop:

IR as a Value-Creation Strategy”, to prepare companies

for listing on SET, participated by representatives

from 33 companies. SET also organized small group

seminars for opinion sharing among the newly

listed companies, under the “SD Talk” session on

“How CEO can Utilize IR to Maximize Corporate

Value” participated by representatives from

19 companies. These included visiting six listed

companies to provide IR function consultancy.


Development of IR guidelines

and best practices

SET has developed and disseminated the IR

guidelines for listed companies. The Guidelines for

First Step in IR Function – the basic IR concept,

was launched in 2012, and the IR Code of Conduct

was published in 2014, as a guide to perform IR

duties in accordance with Corporate Governance



IR development and training

SET has continuously developed IR literacy among

listed companies through training courses since 2013,

available in seven curricula, with participation by

over 213 companies. In 2014, eight curricula were

arranged, classified as basic, intermediate and

advanced levels, and participated by representatives

from 223 listed companies.


IR advisory program

Having implemented this program since 2011, SET

cooperated with IR specialists to provide close and

in-depth consultations on the development of IR

among listed companies. The program aims to ensure

that listed companies can run the IR function

efficiently and continuously. During 2011-2014,

there were 61 listed companies participating in this



Effectiveness of IR development

SET’s development of IR literacy has made a mark among listed companies to realize the benefits and see

greater opportunities from IR. Evidences can be seen from the higher records of candidates for the Best IR Awards

each year. In 2014, there were over 177 candidates for the awards, up from the year before by 20%.