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2.1.2 Assets for margin deposits and benefits, and

assets for clearing system protection and benefits


THB 10,429 million or 28.86% of total assets, up by THB 857

million or 8.21%. This margin deposits and benefits of Thailand

Clearing House increased in accordance with the increase in

trading volume of derivatives.

2.1.3 Property and equipment and intangible assets

were THB 6,186 million, or 17.12% of total assets, up by THB

1,667 million or 36.89%. This was mainly from SET’s new office

building and new systems development.

2.2 Analysis of liabilities

As at December 31, 2015, total liabilities of the SET group

amounted to THB 12,747 million, up by THB 534 million, or

4.37%, in comparison with the balance as at December 31,

2014. Significant details are:

2.2.1Margindeposits andassets for clearing system

protection and benefits payable

were THB 10,291 million,

or 80.74% of total liabilities, increased by THB 853 million,

or 9.04%, in accordance with the increase in trading volume

of derivatives.

2.2.2 Accounts payable and accrued expenses


THB 1,226 million, or 9.62% of total liabilities, dropped by THB

374 million or 23.39%. The drop was mainly from the payment

of construction costs of SET’s new office building in 2015.

2.3 Analysis of funds

As at December 31, 2015, total funds of the SET group

amounted to THB 23,369 million, up by THB 1,150 million,

or 5.17%, in comparison with the balance as at December 31,

2014. This resulted from revenues over expenses for 2015

reaching THB 1,382 million. However, there was a decrease in

the market price of available-for-sale securities of THB 218

million, and the loss from remeasurement of post-employment

benefits obligations of THB 14 million.

3. Analysis of liquidity

Cash flows of the SET group for the year ended December

31, 2015 and 2014 can be summarized as follows:

(Unit: THB million)



Increase /(Decrease)



Cash flows from operating activities





Cash flows from investing activities





Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year





Cash and cash equivalents as at December 31, 2015 amounted to THB 1,723 million, decreased by THB 304 million, or

21.42%, in comparison with 2014. The details of the sources and uses of funds are as follows:

Net cash receipts from operating activities were THB 636 million.

Net cash used in investing activities were THB 332 million. This was mainly from the construction of SET’s new office

building of THB 1,715 million, new operating systems development of THB 97 million. However, there were receipts from

the sale of investment of THB 963 million, interest income and proceeds from sales of investment units totaled THB 382

million, and dividends of THB 110 million.