SET has compiled the GMS Economic Exposure Universe to
provide investors with a list of Thai listed companies that
could generate a substantial portion of their investment and/
or revenue from GMS. This information is valuable for those
investors interested in investing in businesses with growth
potential from the expansion of the GMS. More information
is available at:
In 2015, the capital markets in GMS organized study trips
and exchanged data according to their memorandum of
understanding (MOU). For example, listed companies from
Vietnam and Laos made visits to study the development
of corporate and attended training on derivatives market
development in Vietnam. The training was also organized in
Vietnam on regulations related to the issuance of Non-Voting
Depository Receipts (NVDRs) according to the plan to expand
foreign investors’ investment. The training on developing
the SMEs market was organized in Cambodia. In addition,
there was also a signing session to renew the MOU with the
Laos Stock Exchange for five more years (2015-2020) in
order to continue the long-term cooperation in developing
the capital market and encouraging business opportunities
among all GMS member nations.
3. Growing Sustainably
providing financial and investment knowledge among investors,
the general public and professionals and strengthening all the
stakeholders, as SET promotes both growth and quality towards
SET puts emphasis on developing potential of listed companies
for sustainable growth, taking into consideration the environmental,
social andgovernance (ESG) framework in runningbusiness. We also
encourage listed companies to enter the sustainability assessment
in line with the international standard as such strengthening the
Thai capital market in the long run.
Developing Corporate Governance (CG)
SET is committed to promoting corporate governance
among listed companies, getting well-prepared for the ASEAN
arena. Highlights of performance are as follows:
SET, jointly
with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), theOffice of the Securities andExchange
Commission (SEC) and the Thai Institute of Directors
Association (IOD) organized the 2015OECD-AsianRoundtable
on Corporate Governance participated by over 150 senior
managers representing both public and private sectors,
both local and overseas. The objective was to create
understanding and upgrade corporate governance standard
of listed companies under the updated version of the OECD
Corporate Governance Principle.
In 2015, SET shared updated knowledge and experience
in CG practices among directors and senior managers
of 50 listed companies. SET organized the quarterly CG
Forum, attended by 839 participants. CG workshops were
organized for 812 corporate secretaries. CG information
was disseminated to various media. In addition, the Board
Evaluation Handbook and Whistle Blowing Guideline for the
efficient CG practices were revised. SET also conducted the
Thai Directorship and Remuneration Surveys 2015, and
provided the results of the findings to listed companies so
they could benchmark the matters concerning directorship
and remuneration. In addition, SET also published:
“Directors, Pillars of Corporate Governance” and “Ethics:
Corporate Governance Consciousness”, aiming to promote
CG practices.