Annual Report
Thailand Clearing House Co., Ltd. (TCH) developed a new
payment system for securities clearing and settlement to
support the Thai capital market’s growth, starting from
August 24, 2015. The new system facilitates multi-currency
securities settlements, making international transactions
easier. This enhanced service is second to none, compared to
clearing houses worldwide. In addition, the straight-through
processing of securities deposits has also been developed
for more efficient operating performance.
2. Creating Wealth
SET has continued to expand the listed company base and
quality investor base while developing a variety of existing products
and services for both the equity and derivative markets to increase
investment opportunities and cater to all customer segments.
At the same time, SET has continuously been a connector
to business investments in the Greater Mekong Subregion
(GMS), while exchanging ideas and transferring financial and
investment knowledge and experience among the GMS countries.
Developing products and services
Equity market
SET has adjusted the selection criteria for stocks in the
SET50 and SET100 Indices calculations to ensure that the stock
constituents of the indexes reflect enough liquidity for investors
to trade. Additional criteria have been used to consider the
proportion of number of shares traded relative to the number
of the firm’s listed shares. The method of calculating the total
return index (TRI), which measures total investment return,
has also been adjusted. This includes the adjustment of capital
gains and dividends, in line with international practices by
using the changes in the daily price index to calculate capital
gains instead of using the changing market capitalization. This
gives correlation between the TRI index and the price index.
In addition, SET has developed the depository receipt (DR)
equity instrument, or warrant instrument for foreign securities,
providing another alternative that supports the trading of foreign
securities by Thai investors effective on May 16, 2015.