Annual Report 2014
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) seeks to continuously integrate sustainable
development into its business processes to advance the Thai capital market. SET focuses on
fulfilling stakeholders’ needs and strengthening the capital market foundation to fortify
Thailand’s economic competitiveness, society and environment.
SET has outline the the
direction for the next five year (2015-2020) and 2015 strategic plan that emphasize
sustainable growth results through value creation processes in two dimensions:
SET group’s Vision and
Strategic Plan 2015-2020
SET will focus on the development of capital market
products and services that could serve diverse demands
of both investors and fund raisers. SET plans to expand
its business to 1) diversify its products to cover
non-equity instruments (multi-asset class), 2) introduce
products denominated in currencies other than Thai
Baht (multi-currency), 3) expand cooperation with
the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) partners, and
4) expand the number of listed companies and
investor base.
SET will emphasize the collaboration with
stakeholders to meet future trends that will lead
to quality and value creation, as well as enhancing
business standard and stability of the Thai
capital market in the long run. SET will focus on
1) educating both institutional and retail investors
to promote quality and responsible investments,
and 2) encouraging listed companies toconduct
businesses that produce not only financial but also
social returns that will create positive impact
on both the society and the environment for all
of us today and the future generations.
Vision 2015 and beyoun
SET has set out the vision
for the next five
years (2015
will focus on
three strategic objectives
aiming at
and 3)
The key priorities are 1) to doubling market capitalization
comparing to the current level, 2) to become the top
30 in terms of liquidity in global derivatives market,
and 3) to diversify sources of revenues from derivatives
products, post-trade services, and international
businesses representing 15% of the exchange’s total
Strategic Plan 2015
To achieve the above long-term vision and
strategic objectives, SET has defined its
plan for 2015
as follows:
1. Integrity
1.1 Enhance risk management
SET aims to enhance risk management to strengthen
robustness of the Thai capital market. In 2015, SET plans to
1) Improve efficiency of surveillance system to better
monitor trading irregularities and cope with new trading
techniques to ensure transparency and fairness,
2) assess the feasibility of shortening clearing and
settlement cycle from T+3 to T+2, and 3) upgrade risk
management of the clearing system to align with emerging
international standards and regulations, such as European
Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) and Principles
for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI), etc.