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Enhancement of post-trade service

for overseas investment

To facilitate the growing demand of international

investment, reduce costs and promote wide varieties

of capital market products among Thai investors, Thailand

Clearing House (TCH) and Thailand Securities Depository

(TSD) have developed the new intermediary post-trade

services for investment in foreign securities, both

inside and outside ASEAN. Such services will cover

settlement, securities delivery, securities depository

in foreign countries and management of shareholders’

benefits. These services will be available from early

2015 onwards.

Compliance with PFMI

TCH and TSD has enhanced efficiency,

reliability and confidence of the settlement and

depository services, by adjusting the criteria and

risk management measures for relevant operations,

such as equity instruments’ risk calculation, review

of collateral types and TSD’s use of capital, etc.

in accordance with the Principles for Financial Market

Infrastructures (PFMI) – an international standard for

clearing and depository services. In addition, the new

system will enable TSD to become a Qualified Central

Counterparty Clearing House (QCCP) in the future. This

will increase its future competitiveness in the region

and will enable foreign institutional investors, mainly

commercial banks, to maintain capital reserve at a lower

cost. Such information has already been circulated on

TCH website. In the future, TCH will comply with

the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR).

Leadership development

SET places considerable emphasis on human

resources, proven as a key factor that drives continuous

success and sustainable growth. In 2014, SET placed

importance on leadership & culture development, aiming

to prepare its personnel for business expansion towards

becoming a sustainable regional capital market leader.

The summary of activities is as follows:

• Leadership Development program, implementing

continuously since 2010, aims at building future

leaders of the organization. It enhances potential

of future leaders by integrating different

development approaches, such as one-on-one

coaching by specialists, as well as training and

seminars both at home and abroad.

Leading Self and Others program

is available

for employees up to middle management level,

and aims at developing knowledge, skills and

capabilities to manage oneself and others.

Job Rotation program rotates employees both within

and across business functions,

in order to provide

them with knowledge, skills and capabilities

to perform various duties in broader scopes.

The program provides scholarships for Master’s

degree, both at home and abroad, in the fields

of business administration, law and technology,

totaling five scholarships each year, comprising

two scholarships in Thailand, and three abroad.

The selected employees will acquire more knowledge

and capabilities, as well as new technology

and innovations to benefit the organization.

• The 360 Competency Assessment has been used

as guidelines for leadership development and

individual development plan (IDP) for top executives

as well as the arrangement of succession plan.

• There has continuously been periodical and

occasional communications with employees at all

levels through internal communication channels,

such as intranet, wired announcements, notice

boards, email and activities including townhall

meeting, focus group meeting, knowledge sharing

sessions, etc. There were also informal joint

activities or get-together functions between

executives and employees on a regular basis in 2014.

• The performance management system is clear and

in line with the organizational goals. Directors

and managers are subject to KPIs that link with

the organizational goals, which will be cascaded

down to individual executives and employees,

respectively. These include the link of KPI with

benefits that reflect each employee’s performance.