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Annual Report 2014


1)Building quality-focused

capital market culture

SET placed emphasis on expanding quality investor

base, both locally and internationally, with an increase

in the number of listed companies, the promotion of

sustainability development and the offering of wide

varieties of quality products.

Expanding investor base

SET aimed at expanding quality investor base,

among savers, online users and potential investors in

Bangkok and provinces, through cooperation with

intermediary institutions. At the end of 2014, the

number of trading accounts totaled 1,098,731. The

investor base expansion program was conducted in

parallel with the enhancement of investment literacy,

based on the set educational marketing concept. The

objective was to gain quality investors well-versed in

investment knowledge and skills to help solidifying

foundation for the Thai capital market in the long run.

Various projects were launched all year round, as follows:

Throughout 2014, The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) continued to grow and achieve

various developments, while maintaining the position as a leading capital market in the

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). These were in line with the plan to promote

sustainable growth and quality in every dimension covering investors, listed companies,

products and efficient infrastructure that links with the global capital markets. In 2014, SET set

forth three major strategies, consisting of 1) To build quality-focused capital market culture

2) To becomeGMS connector 3) To enhance infrastructure and capabilities. Details are as follows:

Major Significant

developments of SET in 2014

“Your 1


Stock” project

This is a project that enables investors, who have

opened their securities accounts but lack stock

selection knowledge, to acquire the knowledge of

efficient stock selection analysis, for greater confidence

in selecting their first stock. The project focused on a

series of monthly workshops and seminars, conducted

by investment experts with successful experiences, and

top analysts using various methods for stock selection,

such as startup tips for stock-trading business, analysis

of stock trading situations, investment techniques,

financial statement analysis and more. Other sources

of knowledge included short documentaries, investor

guidebooks and website:

SET also cooperated with the Thai Financial Planners

Association (TFPA) in arranging roadshows to reach

out to investors. In 2014, 25 securities companies

participated in this project, achieving more than 110,000

new trading accounts.

“Banker-to-Broker” project

This project organized training courses on wealth

management and investment products for bank

personnel so that they could offer complete savings

and investment services for their customers, thus

expanding investor base in the provinces, shifting them

from simple savers to quality investors. Started in

2011, the project had nine commercial banks and nine

securities companies participated, covering more than

5,847 branches of commercial banks nationwide. It

successfully attracted the saver group with more than

47,000 new accounts.