Annual Report 2012
Responsibilities of the Corporate Governance Committee are:
1. To review the CG policies and frameworks to enhance listed companies, enterprises, and related entities in the
capital market, including developing guidelines to implement CG in the companies and thus create value in the Thai
capital market.
2. To advise the SET BoG, SET executives and Corporate Governance and Alliances Department on CG matters affecting
the Thai capital market.
3. To build understanding of CG to persons related to the capital market, through advising or discussing CG with various
target groups.
4. To appoint working committee members to study CG in detail or take any action relating to the above responsibilities
as the committee deems appropriate. The working committee shall report its performance to the committee within
a stipulated period.
4. Disciplinary Committee
Support unit :
Enforcement Department
Structure :
Four members. One member must be governor; one who is knowledgeable and has experience in SET affairs,
the brokerage business, or the financial business, one legal expert, and the SET president or an executive from the senior
vice president level or above as delegated by the SET president.
: January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014
1. Pattera
2. Rapee
3. Suthep
4. Sutthi
5. The SET executive who is responsible for the Legal Affairs Group
Responsibilities of the Disciplinary Committee are:
1. To examine any alleged wrongdoing and penalize any individual or juristic person who violates, or associates with
others in violating SET’s rules and regulations, and report to the SET BoG, except in cases concerning:
(a) a securities delisting
(b) a temporary trading suspension of a member company
(c) a membership revocation
(d) other cases as deemed appropriate by the SET BoG.
In the exceptions above, the Disciplinary Committee will examine facts and evidence, report its findings and give its
recommendations to the BoG for action.
2. To examine, give explicit instructions according to SET rules and regulations, and take any other action in any case
deemed necessary to determine guilt or innocence and penalties to be imposed, if any.
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