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Development of listed companies’ financial stability

SET aims at creating financial and liquidity stability

for listed companies so that they can competitively

develop their businesses continuously through

financial instruments. They will have more funding

alternatives to raise capital for business development

and acquisition, without relying solely on loans

from financial institutions, and will, in turn, increase

the number of shareholders. SET has consequently

cooperated with Investment Banking Club of the

Association of Thai Securities Companies to promote

knowledge and understanding of financial instruments

among executives of listed companies, through the

Financial Instruments for Directors project which

covers, for example, issuance and offering of ordinary

shares for capital increase, warrants and dividend

shares, etc.

SET has also visited listed companies in order

to recommend appropriate financial instruments

and closely participated in the analysis of funding

opportunities and the use of financial instruments.

These included the dissemination of financial

instruments data on SET’s website for easier access

to information among listed companies. In 2014,

listed companies reported total capital mobilization

of THB 166.88 billion, and issued 156 financial

instruments, mainly warrants and dividend shares.

SET has also encouraged listed companies to disclose

their quarterly operating performance to investors,

analysts and the media, by organizing the Opportunity

Day continuously. Investors and interested parties

can participate in the activities through different

channels, such as participation in person at SET

headquarters, watch live broadcast or online videos

via the SET website, or through Opp Day application

on both iOS and Android. In 2014, there were

461 listed companies joined and talked to

investors at the Opportunity Day events, with over

21,715 persons participating in the activities at SET

headquarters, and over 387,674 page views through

Opp Day applicationby viewers in 148 countries.