Corporate Governance and Social
Responsibility Committee Report
Annual Report
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)’s Corporate
Governance and Social Responsibility Committee consists
of five independent directors and SET president, appointed
by SET Board of Governors (BoG). In 2015, the BoG
appointed Charnchai Kongthongluck as chairman of the
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee
to replace Patteera Dilokrungthirapop whose term terminated
as of June 17, 2015, while the five members were Subhak
Siwaraksa, Chaipatr Srivisarvacha, Pichet Sithi-Amnuai, Somchai
Thaisa-Nguanvorakul and Kesara Manchusree.
In 2015, the Committee held a total of seven meetings
and another special meeting to give approvals, recommendations
and opinions on the operations on corporate governance
(CG) and social responsibility (SR) carried out by Corporate
Governance Development Department, Sustainable Development
Department and Compliance Unit. The information of
meeting attendance is shown in the Corporate Governance
Report section.
The Committee has succeeded in performing its duties and
responsibilities as stated in the Corporate Governance and Social
Responsibilities Committee Charter. The Committee formally
reported its performance to the BoG on a quarterly basis. The
essence of the matters considered is as follows:
CG and SR development for listed companies, enterprises and
other organizations in the capital market
The Committee provided opinions and suggestions for
formulating strategies, policies and action plans to develop
listed companies, sustainability, while encouraging institutional
investors to take environmental, social and corporate governance
(ESG) performance into consideration when making investment
decisions. The Committee also promoted a better understanding
of social investment.
CG and SR development for SET
The Committee provided recommendations on the
directions and strategies to achieve SET’s “Towards Sustainable
Growth 2020” long-term goals and become a sustainable
stock exchange. Also, the Committee provided suggestions on
the SET group’s CG policy and relevant issues, including anti-
corruption measures.
In summary, in 2015, the Committee viewed that SET
performed well on CG and SR development for listed companies,
enterprises, and relevant organizations in the capital market
SET also continued to promote its CG policy and best practice
guidelines among governors, executives and staff. In addition,
SET’s information disclosure via its Corporate Governance Report
was in accordance with international standards.
(Charnchai Kongthongluck)
Chairman, Corporate Governance
and Social Responsibility Committee