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Board assessment

The BoG assesses its own performance at least once a year,

to review the performance, including problems and difficulties

to enhance working efficiency, supporting CG practices.

1. Process for Evaluating the Board of Governors

The SET’s Board of Governors approved the performance

evaluation to assess the Board of Governors by determining the

scope of assigned duties and responsibilities of the governors

in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance.

This task was assigned to the Corporate Governance and Social

Responsibility Committee to advise the SET Board of Governors

on the performance evaluation process. This process includes

presenting a summary of the assessment with recommendations

to the Board of Governors. This is in line with the role of the

Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee as

defined in its charter. SET has also consulted with qualified

external experts with expertise and experience on CG in order

to get their opinions and suggestions on the BoG’s performance

evaluation process.

2. Models for the performance evaluation of the Board

of Governors

In 2015, the SET Board of Governors considered five types

of evaluation: (1) Performance evaluation of the board as a

whole (2) Individual self-evaluation (3) Individual assessment

by other board members (4) Evaluation of the Chairman’s

performance and (5) Assessment of the skills, knowledge and

abilities of the board members. The details are as follows:

1) The criteria for assessment of the BoG as a whole were classified into eight sections:

Section 1

Strategy and business planning

Section 5

Delegation of authority

Section 2

Risk management and internal control

Section 6

The BoG’s readiness for meetings

Section 3

Conflicts of interest

Section 7


Section 4

Corporate governance

Section 8

Assessment and succession planning

for executives

“In 2015, the BoG’s average score on 8 sections was

4.55 / 5.00, or 91%”.

Most governors agreed that the BoG

regularly monitored the risk management such as requiring that

the management submit the risk status report to the BoG on a

quarterly basis, etc. The BoG had mutual trust and could openly

express their views and not being dominated by any governor.

In addition, regularly provided educational enhancement courses

for govornors.

2) The criteria for self-assessment of individual directors

were classified into four sections: 1. Duties and

responsibilities of the Board 2. Meetings 3. Independence

and 4. Self-development of governor.

In2015, the overall assessment score for the four sectionswas

4.76 / 5.00, or 95%.

3) The criteria for assessment of individual directors by

peers were classified into four sections as previously mentioned

for direct comparison. In 2015, the overall assessment result

for the four areas was 4.81 / 5.00, or 96%.

4) The criteria for assessment of the chairman included

the aspects on encouraging all governors to actively

air their views in BoG meetings, making prudent

decisions, and encouraging each governor to review the BoG

minutes carefully before endorsing them. The Chairman of

the Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Committee

reported the result directly to the chairman.