Annual Report 2014
Report of the Board of Governors
Relating to Responsibility
for Financial Statements
To accomplish this task, the Board of Governors
has appointed an Audit Committee, consisting of
independent non-executive directors, to be responsible
for the quality of financial reports, reviewing internal
control systems, internal audit systems and risk
management systems. The opinions of the Audit
Committee are stated in the Audit Committee Report
section of this annual Report.
The Board of Governors is of the opinion that the
SET’s overall internal control system is in the satisfactory
level to the reasonably build the confidence that the
consolidated financial statements of the Stock
Exchange of Thailand (SET) and its subsidiaries and
of the Stock Exchange of Thailand for the year ended
December 31, 2014 are reliable and being in compliance
with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and
related regulations.
The Board of Governors is responsible for the
consolidated financial statements of the Stock Exchange
of Thailand (SET) and its subsidiaries and of the Stock
Exchange of Thailand, including the financial information
presented in this annual report. The financial statements
for the year ended December 31, 2014 have been
prepared in accordance with Thai Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles. In preparing the financial
statements, appropriate accounting policies have been
adopted and regularly adhered to, using careful
discretion and reasonable estimates. Important
information has been adequately disclosed in the notes
to financial statements, so as to be able to reflect the
financial status, performance and cash flows in
transparent manner, providing benefits to public.
The Board of Governors has provided and maintained
the risk management systems, internal control system,
internal audit systems as well as effective corporate
governance to ensure that accounting records are
accurate, complete and adequate to maintain its assets
and prevent risks. It can also essentially prevent fraud
or irregular operations.
Mrs. Kesara Manchusree
Dr. Sathit Limpongpan