Welcome to Thailand Focus 2022
August 24-26, 2022 at Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok, Thailand“Thailand Focus 2022” under the theme “The New Hope”, the annual investment conference hosted by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). This year we will emphasize on one-on-one meetings and small group meetings. Over 100 high-potential Thai listed companies across multiple sectors from large cap to small emerging names has been invited to join the private meetings. Additionally, we offer the venue for global and regional institutional investors for up-to-date information from policies makers as well as economic outlook year onward from experts.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) held the first “Thailand Focus” conference in 2004.

The Dynamic Growth in the Global Food Tech Industry
The session will emphasize on key trends in food industry, such as plant-based, and other food innovation and changing consumer behaviors. Additionally, to highlight on agri-food technology in global positioning of Thailand for food innovation hub
Thailand-Destination of Living
Current situation and recent recovery of Thailand’s tourism and service sector in response to the country’s economic reopening. And how changing consumer behaviors and emerging trends as well as opportunities in tourism industry, including digital nomads and remote workers.
Sustainable Growth: Managing the Climate Change
The session will highlight on sustainability in Thai capital market, such as managing climate risk and financing green agendas in Thai businesses as well as ESG in actions on Net-zero carbon and other carbon reduction initiatives