Welcome to Thailand Focus 2020 virtual conference
August 26, 2020Thailand Focus 2020 will be virtual conference conduct during August 26, 2020. This year we emphasize group meetings between Thai listed companies and key global investors, together with top-notch small panel discussions highlighting issues through global pandemic of COVID-19, how country deal with the situations and what will be the next steps.
Thailand Focus is the largest investment conference in Thailand. It is an exclusive platform for leading global and regional institutional investors to gain knowledge about investment opportunities in Thailand.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) held the first “Thailand Focus” conference in 2004.
How Thailand get through COVID-19 situation successfully: Balancing between health vs. economic concerns

This session provides insights from successfully managing COVID-19 situation in Thailand. Strong medical foundations and healthcare system, collaboration between public and private sectors, and government policy responses are highlighted.

Changing business landscape is constantly challenging to corporate executives. The pandemic and other business disruptions call for a new way of doing business. Top executives will share their hands-on experiences in the context of new normal as well as their sustainability strategy and digital transformation.

The session emphasizes on the well-positioning of Thailand as the global medical & wellness hub. Top executives from relevant public and private sectors will share their views on how to leverage Thailand's strong healthcare system in that positioning and business opportunities arising from COVID-19 situation.