Page 21 - SET SD 2563 - EN
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Employee Development Social Development Environmental Management Performance Summary
Corporate Governance
GRI Standards Content Index
SET was established in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Act, B.E. 2535. Our Corporate Governance structure was designed to appropriately align with SET Group’s Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct, which
are consistent with the Corporate Governance Principles of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Corporate Governance (CG) Code for Listed Companies.
SET’s Corporate Governance Structure
Please scan the QR code to SET Group's Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct
Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee
Audit Committee
Internal Audit Department
Corporate Compliance Department
SET Board of Governors
Management Committee
Risk Management Committee
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Information Technology Committee
Risk Management Department
Board Structure 102-22
The Board consists of 11 highly qualified Governors with diverse knowledge and experiences in fields including finance and investment, business administration, law, information technology and corporate governance. The specified corporate structure adheres to regulations stipulated in the Securities and Exchange Act, as follows:
3: 8
Number of female : male Governors
The SET Pre1sident, appointed by the Governors
SET Board of Governors
Appointed for a 3-year term and are eligible for reappointment, but not for more than 2 consecutive terms.
Non-executive Governors
Executive Governors
Appointed for a 4-year term.
Elected at the SET member meeting