Page 19 - SET SD 2563 - EN
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Employee Development Social Development Environmental Management Performance Summary GRI Standards Content Index
2. Prioritizing material sustainability topics
SET’s approach for prioritizing material sustainability topics is based on evaluating the significance of SET’s operational impacts across economic, social and environmental aspects, as well as the impact boundaries of each material topic. SET’s performance on each material sustainability topic is disclosed in this report.
Sustainability Management Market Growth Employee Development Social Development Environmental Management High
  56 8
3 9
   7 12
 1 Corporate Governance
2 Sustainable Risk Management
3 SustainableProduct,ServiceandInnovationDevelopment
4 Development of Listed Companies and Entrepreneurs
5 Developing Quality Investment Professionals
6 Promoting Knowledge and Expanding
Quality Investors
7 Building a Capital Market Network
for Sustainable Development
8 Fair Employment Practices
9 Employee Development
10 Public Financial Literacy
11 Social Enterprise Development and Social Responsibility
12 Green Building
13 Green Procurement
14 Collaborating on Climate Action
Significance of SET’s economic, social and enviromental impact High
                3. Reviewing the completeness of material sustainability topics
Assigned departments consolidate and report on the performance of each material sustainability topic that is to be disclosed in this report. The Sustainable Development Department is further responsible for reviewing the completeness and accuracy of these issues in relation to SET’s workplans, as well as the expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
 Influence on Stakeholder assessment and decisions

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