The SET Foundation recognizes people who have made outstanding social contributions. Since 2007, the SET
Foundation has promoted role models to inspire Thais to participate in creating a quality society in seven fields.
The Foundation work through seven organizations: Library development: The Thai Library Association; Education
development: Professor Sangvien Indaravijaya Foundation; Rural development: the Population and Community
Development Association; Music: the Sugree Charoensook Foundation; Sports: The Football History
Association of Thailand; Urban development: the Vimuttayalaya Foundation; and prevention of narcotic drug addition:
the Duang Prateep Foundation.
Promoting “Doing Good”
in a Sustainable Manner
SET promotes sustainable improvements in the quality of life for Thais. Thus, SET established
“SET Foundation”
in 2006 to support activities and projects that help improve the quality
of life and a sustainable society, covering three areas:
Doing Good
Arts and Culture
Sports and Society
Recognizing role models for society