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General benefits

Investors receive all financial benefits that common shareholders do. Details are as shown below:

Tax Benefits
Type of Investor
Capital gains tax
Payment instead of dividends
Individual resident in Thailand Tax-free

- Pay 10% withholding tax, and exclude the dividends from the calculation of year-end personal income or

้- Waive payment of the 10% withholding tax, and include the dividends when calculating their year-end tax (which is at a progressive rate).

Individual non-resident in Thailand Tax-free 10% withholding tax
Resident company and registered partnership in Thailand Must declare all capital gains from trading securities at SET for corporate income tax assessment at a rate of 30% Same as capital gains
Non-resident company and registered partnership in Thailand 15% withholding tax 10% withholding tax
Note : Non-resident companies and registered partnerships in Thailand which have been registered in a country which has a double tax treaty with Thailand will be exempted from withholding tax.
  Dividends paid to those who invest in companies promoted by the Board of Investment (BOI) are exempt from income tax on those dividends. However, Section 34 of the Investment Promotion Act (B.E. 2520), which grants this exemption, applies only to those who directly invest in the promoted firm. Since individual or juristic persons who have bought NVDR are not direct investors, they are not entitled to the exemption.


For more information, please contact SET Contact Center www.set.or.th/contactcenter +662 009 9999