Mono Group divides its businesses into 5 business operations include the following:1. MONO29: Digital TV business2. MONOMAX: Video on demand business providing movies and series as well as being an international movie distributor under the name MONO Streaming3. MONOCyber: Online business on website MThai as well as providing strategic planning and Holistic Communications service for product brands 4. Master Content Provider: Content acquisition and marketing for Interactive TV business5. 29Shopping: Home shopping business
Presented and calculated from the consolidated statement and displayed as cumulative quarterly statement by fiscal year (Company statement will be presented and calculated incase consolidated statement is not available.)
The information is quarterly updated within 7 business days after the new financial statement is submitted
Information on the financial statements is presented according to the information that the listed companies submit on that period. The investors should study additional information from the companies' financial statements since some companies may restate the comparing financial statements on the latest financial statements.